Controversial encounters between law-enforcement and civilians - the omnibus thread #2


Apparently carrying a gun, being nearly immune from criminal and civil legal proceedings and having half the country fawn over your every move isn’t enough. According to a police department in Utah, officers also need to be treated as a protected class, and that those that protest them should be arrested for hate crimes. Woman Facing Year in Jail for Smirking, Stomping 'Back the Blue' Sign

Five cops in Palo Alto, California are suing the city because they are forced to walk past a mural to get to city hall. The mural has a memorial to a woman shot by cops, and says Black Lives Matter

Snowboarder_Bo posted about that on the 10th.

Sone of a bitch should have gotten life.

“I am a good person, but I made a mistake," he said.

No, you’re really not. And you did not make a mistake. You committed an assault and battery. And if it had not been on another cop, we would never have heard about and you would still think of yourself as the right side of Law and Order.

The Chicago Justice Project just released a report on FOP president John Catanzara. And it’s not a pretty picture.

John Catanzara, the current president of Chicago’s police union, has been an officer for the Chicago Police Department since January 1995. Catanzara has been suspended from the CPD and stripped of pay since February 2021 while he is under investigative review for allegedly falsifying police reports. Additionally, COPA has recommended his firing for a slew of racist and offensive social media posts. Despite his potential firing, the Fraternal Order of Police’s constitution may still allow him to hold the role of president … However, given that Catanzara is still even a member despite his violation of multiple membership requirements it is unclear if constitutionality is an issue to the FOP.

From an analysis of misconduct complaints against Catanzara from 1995 to 2018, we have found a sheer volume of allegations that are absolutely inappropriate for any person who holds a position of power in the CPD. Of the 26 years Catanzara has been an officer, there have been only 6 years in which he received no complaints. The most complaints he has received in a single year is 7 in 2003. He has been named in 50 misconduct complaints total and has been suspended 8 times for a total of 131 days. This excludes his current suspension of 153 days and counting. According to the Invisible Institute’s Citizens Police Data Project, Catanzara has more complaints per year of service than 96% of his fellow CPD officers

Woman arrested for a hate crime for stepping on a “Back the Blue” pro-police sign and crumpling it up.

I hope this ends up costing the department. Its blatantly an attempt to punish someone for daring to disagree with police conduct. Its the exact behavior that happens at least once a year when a cop arrests someone for flipping them the bird, or honking at them.

What’s that they say about a fish stinking from the head? This seems to be a good example, IMO.


Surely everyone realizes it’s very hard to distinguish between a handgun and a cell phone?

NYPD swarm and taze a Black subway passenger for supposedly letting someone on without a token:
NYPD Uses Stun Gun on Black Subway Passenger After Fare Dispute (

Are passengers required to monitor fare payments?

A Louisiana update:

The police report noted that “After taking a careful melanin measurement of the deceased, and noting that the incident occurred on a day ending in the letter ‘y’, we determined that no laws were broken.”


Look at how fucked up a place America is, just going by that headline.

Every racist that sees it is going to interpret that the justification was that he was black.

Cop engaged in child porn:

Bad people are drawn to being cops