I’m just curious to all you other Christians here, what would you think if someone in your church had been baptised and confirmed, and later converted to some ohter religion (aka Buddhism)?
My sister was baptised, had first communion, was confirmed, and was staewide president of the CYO (Catholic Youth Org). She converted to Judiasm. She’s still cool in my book. I am not a Roman Catholic now either, I have just not joined any other team. The Pope and I had words. He owes me money.
I was baptised and confirmed as a Roman Catholic. I’m now a Pagan. Even if I ever became a Christian again, I will NEVER be Catholic again.
(And yet, I’m going to mass tomorrow. sigh)
Falcon, he owes you money, too?
I agree, I am no longer and never will be again a Catholic. No offense to you Catholics out there, it just isn’t me.