Converting a DVD to MKV. Which resolution will give quality results?

This is a DVD that I purchased. Converting to video for my own archival use.

Handbrake has added a bunch of confusing options. Surround sound etc. My PC has two speakers. Stereo!

I’m trying a Matroska h264 720P encode

720P is 1280x720

DVD resolution is 720x480

Will my encode look bad because it’s trying to up size the resolution?

480P 640x480 shrinks the resolution.

they also offer H265. What’s that? Compared to H264?

Handbrake used to be so simple. HD was the option. No fuss no muss.
It’s taking a long time to do this encode.
A movie used to take at most 20 mins with my older version of Handbrake.

I shouldn’t have upgraded.


Not having handbrake i dont know what setting it has that is closest, but i would match the resolution to the original i would think to preserve quality?

Personally, I’d encode the surround audio stream as well as the stereo. You might upgrade in the future and don’t want to have to rerip everything. Plus the size of audio is minimal comaped to video. I have never used handbrake though.

Yes, leave the original resolution (there should be an option to do just that) and copy the original soundtrack without messing with it (again, should be in the list of options). H265 will result in a smaller output file given the same “quality” setting.

These codecs do indeed have an intimidating list of options, but most of the time all you have to do is pick a reasonable preset from the quality slider.

I always use the presets. They’ve added so many recently to Handbrake that it’s pretty confusing.

The 720P MKV finished. Took about an hour. 900 MB for 1 hour 10 min of video.

looks pretty good. I’m encoding another discc now.

If you think it looks good, I can’t argue, but once I accidentally did what you did, namely, re-encode DVD video at a higher resolution than the original using Handbrake, and it both took forever and looked funny. There is no reason to do so as the program does not enhance the original picture to create more resolution, it just stretches it out. 900 MB for 1 hour and 10 minutes is also too big as a result; at 480p (I mean the original resolution) using x264 I am going to say it should be 800 MB, tops.

I’ll run the same original file through 480P. Then I can compare the results.

I’m curious how each version looks in full screen.