Good evening, all.
For those of you who do custom Rock Band mods and/or know about computers, file conversions, and drum machines, I request your assistance. The skinny is as follows:
I am attempting to teach myself the drums. To this end, i picked up a Roland HD-1 electronic drum kit (the better to learn while keeping from disturbing the neighbors at all hours). There’s a MIDI output that connects into my computer and allows me to access this drum tutor software called “HD-1 Drum Tutor”, appropriately enough. One of the features of the software is that it allows one to upload songs into it and helps you learn to play it in real-time. It’s kind of like Rock Band, except that it displays actual sheet music and allows you to adjust the tempo to your liking. I have a bunch of songs on my computer, however they’re all in .m4a format. I’m trying to figure out how to convert them into a workable .mid MIDI format so that I can load them into the tutor and learn to play them from there. That said, i lack the requisite computer know-how to make this a reality, and my attempts at finding shareware that facilitates the conversion in anything approaching a reasonable manner have failed.
Does anyone have any ideas as to how to rectify the situation? I’d greatly appreciate any help that could be provided.
PS: Also, thanks for the opportunity to use the word “rectify” in a sentence That just about brightened my day.