Coolest/Best Communications Jobs?

I am currently looking to make some changes to improve my life (going back to school for my masters degree, finding a different job, etc.) and as much as I love the idea of going back to school I don’t love the cost. So before I sign up for classes at NYU or Columbia or something I would like to consider all of my career options with my current degree and work experience.

I have a bachelors degree in Communications and several years of communications and customer service experience. I have worked in insurance for the past couple of years but that is not the least bit enjoyable so I would like to avoid that if I can. I don’t need to be rich but I need to be able to avoid ramen as a dietary staple.

Most importantly I want to really, really enjoy my job. I want to be able to do something interesting and challenging and not wake up weighing the consequences of quitting my job every single day.

So now I ask you, dopers, what are the most awesome Communications jobs you can possibly imagine?

I have the best communications job ever. (YMMV, of course.) I work for a government agency that does policy I find really cool, and my job is to:

  • put the cool policy stuff on a website and keep it up to date (I do content management and web design and some content development; someone else does the IT support)
  • help with strategic communications planning (e.g. what sort of things to say, when)
  • write communications materials (e.g. press releases)
  • organize media interviews and events

My formal training is in the area relevant to my agency’s activities, not at all in communication or web design. If you’re looking for advice I think you should pursue a “topic” that interests you, that will compliment the “function” you learned in communications. In other words, figure out what you want to communicate about, and study that.

There are probably lots of similarly awesome communications jobs in various non-profit organizations. They look for people with education/experience relevant to their mandate because they don’t usually have the resources for someone who only does “communications” and nothing else.

I think that all these new social media tools present a great opportunity for someone who’s both web-savvy and communications-savvy; traditionally these two departments have been quite distinct, but now there are tons of new opportunities to make use of stuff like wikis in businesses. PM me if you want to chat more about it.