Copy a dvd to itunes?

I’m pretty sure I can copy a dvd (movie) to itunes, but I’m not sure how.
I found a dvd ripper on wikio. Will that do it?

I use handbrake for encoding. It already has presets for iPod, iPhone, AppleTV, and the like. Or you can set it for your own presets.

Handbrake does take awhile but the encoding and compression rates can’t be beat. I am not much of an video guy, but even I can tell the difference, so if I can tell, you know it’s a great tool. And it’s free

BTW most DVD have some kind of DRM (digital rights management) so you will need something like dvd Decryptor.

First you run your DVD through DVD decryptor and you get a folder with a bunch of files. Then you launch Handbrake (or another tool) and pick Source -> DVD Video_TS Folder and you pick your presets at the right (on Handbrake) and then GO…

Well basically there are other things you may want to fool with like second languages and captions but that’s optional.

Since DVD Decrpytion is not legal in every country I won’t direct link it here but you can do a Google Search.

Videora Ipod Converter. It has instructions on ripping the DVD, and then makes a good quality MP4.

I’ve never needed to do any of that. Handbrake has always worked just fine for me on its own.

Interestingly, there’s a “how-to” on copying DVDs to iTunes (for iPads or otherwise) in the current issue of Mac|Life magazine, including instructions for adding metadata and artwork.

As I remember, you need to decrypt the DVD first if you’re using it on a Windows PC, but not if you’re using it on a Mac.

I believe you will need to have VLC to rip copy-protected DVDs using Handbrake, at least as of the latest version. Just download it and put the application in the same folder as Handbrake.

The 64 bit version of VLC isn’t out yet, so on a Mac you need 32 bit VLC and 32 bit Handbrake. 64 bit Handbrake will do you no good.

I just want .mp3’s off of some concert DVDs I have (I don’t use iTunes), but I run 64 bit Vista, and both VLC and DVD Decrypter are only for 32-bit Vista, apparently. Handbrake converted a file into .MP4, but I was unable to then convert that to .MP3, as it said it was copy-protected.

I’ve just tried VLC, which seems to run on my machine, but conversion attempts from both the original DVD and the .mp4 file I got from Handbrake resulted in nothing happening, and a 0 kb output file.

On a PC, first use DVD Fab Decrypter to convert from DVD to a hard-disk folder of unencrypted files same as you find on a DVD. The demo version leaves you with a permanent free DVD-to-file ripper. Recent DVDs tend to have all sorts of tricks that are too dumb to fool a DVD player but trip up most PC DVD-reading software. Then, you can use DVD Decrypter to produce a single file single audio track mpg that Videora can convert. Finally use Videora to covert the files to iPod/iPad/iPhone compatible format.

Yes, Videora has some very helpful guides to walk you through the process, but it takes several hours per movie. (5 to 8 hours on my PC). You also have to pay attention to which audio track it selects. Nothing more annoying to wait 8 hours for a movie, then take it on the road and find you have director’s commentary or the spanish track. Videora is supposed to be smart enough,

Well, thanks to the accompaning decrypter they have, the audio file I got plays-but it isn’t in .mp3 format, but something called .ac3, and Audacity doesn’t recognize the file type to get it into .mp3 format. Fab Decrypter never gave me an option as to the audio file format. Off to find yet another program, something to convert .ac3 to .mp3…