Copying URL of google search in Safari

Sometimes I want to copy a google search. When I type search terms in Safari and get the search results, the address box shows the search terms. For example, I type “hobbit house” “culver city” into the address bar. I get the results. I click on Images, and get the images. But the address bar still has “hobbit house” “culver city” in it. When I try to share by copying and pasting, I paste “hobbit house” “culver city” instead of the URL. I can get the URL by copying, opening Word, pasting as text, and then copying the URL, but that’s a pain. Or (as I’ve just tried) I can go to my webmail, click on Write Message, paste the search terms from the address bar there, where it appears as the URL, and re-copy the results. Another thing I’ve just tried is to copy the search terms from the address bar, going to another browser window, and pasting. When I do this in Images, I do get a URL, but it takes me to all results instead of Images.

Is there a way to simply copy the URL for a google search in Safari, without having to open up a new application?

I attempted your challenge and eventually stumbled upon this.
After doing your image search, go to “Show all History”. It is the first line when you click “history” in the top bar. This shows your history and associated URLs. Control-click on desired item to reveal options… choose “copy”.
Results of paste…[“hobbit+house”+“culver+city”&safe=off&client=safari&rls=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwioiOb93tHSAhUN8YMKHbhcA2gQ_AUICCgB&biw=1151&bih=635]
Pasting into Google search box yields a suggestion to use fewer keywords, but pasting into Safari address bar takes you to the search results.
I don’t know how this works as far as sharing.
I hope I explained this ok and hope it helps

Still a pain in the arse, compared to the old way where you could just double-click on the link.

FWIW, I followed your instructions. When I post this in the address bar…"hobbit+house"+"culver+city"&num=100&client=safari&rls=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjDi-ys5NHSAhUkS2MKHYwUBbwQ_AUICCgB&biw=1381&bih=970

… I do not see the images page. But when I preview here, it does.


Probably a feature or setting that was lost in an update.
Which is why I’m always hesitant to allow any update ever.

Cool House, though

Is this applicable to your question?How can I copy a Google search URL from Safari? - Ask Different

Long press (iOS) or right click (MacOS) on the magnifying glass icon and choose copy.

I saw that.

I tried dragging “hobbit house” “culver city” into a comment field on FB. It just opened the page, but did not paste the URL.

There is no ‘Copy’ option. I can choose:
[ul][li]Back[/li][li]Repload Page[/li][li]Open in Dashboard[/li][li]Show Page Source[/li][li]Save Page As[/li][li]Print Page[/li][li]Inspect Element[/ul][/li]
I’m using OS 10.11.6.

I used to live a few blocks away from it.

Johnny L.A. - could you try again? I am puzzled - had success on a Mini running 10.11.6 (right mouse click) & a MacBook Pro (two-finger trackpad click) with 10.12.3.

I am clicking the small magnifying/search icon on left side of the search term in the address/search field.

That bookmarklet idea is exactly what I was going to suggest. I’m all about those tweaks. Click a button, then copy it.

Someone apparently also made an addon for Safari, which I might use if I copy things often. (And actually used Safari.)

Clicking the magnifying glass on the left side of the terms in the address bar brings up 'Suggested site", “Google Search”, and “Bookmarks and History”. Clicking the magnifying glass on the right side of the search terms box (in Images) brings up the list I posted previously.

I’m stumped.

I think I had the same issue and resolved it by:
**Safari>Preferences>Advanced **
and then go to the option to show “Smart Search Field” and click the box to "Show Full Website Address"
Otherwise the search term I used to find the website would always stay in the URL field at the top of my window.

I’m running OS Sierra 10.12.3 and Safari 10.0.3

On iPad and iPhone, Safari has an icon to copy URL or text it or email it. That’s what I use.

Here’s an image. Look at the very upper right for the icon that is a rectangle with up arrow.

Click that icon, then select Copy from the sub-menu that appears.

Is this what you’re looking for? That is what I just used to insert that URL.