Corrupt download from iTunes

I bough an album a few months ago (Waterboys Fisherman’s Blues collectors’ edition), and, only now getting round to listening to it, have discovered that all the M4P files are screwed. There are dropouts to a few milliseconds of total silence, about every five seconds. It’s completely unlistenable. I have checked them on two computers and an iPod, and it’s defnitely the music files.

First, has anyone else had this happen to them?

Second, anyone know if I have any recourse? Can I re-download somehow? Is there a support email address or anything?

They will let you re-download your files, which will hopefully be problem-free.

I’ve found the iTunes store to be extremely helpful; when my computer and external hard drive were stolen over the summer, they let me redownload all of the music I had purchased.

Thanks shy guy, I’ve emailed them.