Could A 185# Man Sit On A Xerox Machine Without Breaking The Glass?

How heavy of a person could a Xerox copier safely support without the glass shattering, assuming he were to sit down on the glass very slowly, not just plop down on it?

I’m not certain whether or not these machines have been designed to withstand this type of loading.


Funny how this question comes up at the same time as: Will Transparent Metal ever be feasible?

With transparant metal, any old lardass can drop trou and photocopy his ass without worrying about shards of glass in his bum.

Well, push comes to shove and a heavy person can certainly just take a picture of their butt with a digital camera and make a full color printout. Doesn’t have that same drunk-at-the-company-christmas-party feel to it, but it’s a logical substitute.

Either way, be sure to hit “Start” or “Print”…

A 240 pound male was able to lay stomach down on a Xerox copier without damaging the copier or his package.


it depends on the machine, colour or black and white. i had a designer put a 12x12 slab of granite 1" thick on the colour copier. the healer (service tech) nearly had a cow. he claimed that the granite could break though. i figure the granite weighted about 20-25 pounds.

the glass in a copier is resting on very little support, if the glass shifts a bit off one of the metal bits holding it, it could very well break.

the weight of the large guy isn’t all concentrated on the glass. if he is that big he is spreading out to other parts of the copier. if it is a fixed lid he would not be able to completely rest on the glass.

Actually, I’ve seen it done, with a person about 200 pounds. Copier makers know that people do these stunts, and the glass is decently strong. However, I would guess you are near the limit at that weight, and would definitely not recommend doing it.

I hate going to use the copier and finding butt prints on it <shudder>.

I used to work for a copier company. The glass on any copier is single strength thats thinner than window glass.
Our techs would have to replace at least one glass a week. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but having an ER doc pull glass outa yo’ butt is about $2000.00. Not to mention the cost of replacing the glass.

whether the person in question wants to use the manual method or the automatic document feeder.

Couldn’t you suppport your weight with your hands on the sides of the copier?

Well, I wonder why no one has said, “Trapeze ?”

When I worked at an amusement arcade a 120 pound girl sat on the glass of a pinball machine. She didn’t break it but she caught he** from me.

Oh, and I should say that her butt wasn’t nekkid.