Could Brewer's Yeast be giving me really nasty smelling gas?

Uh…if you feel this is too much TMI, that title should have been warning enough.

I’ve been having really, really copius and stanky gas since my c-section 6 weeks ago. At first, I thought it might be due to some wierd intestinal bacterial imbalance caused by all the IV antibiotics I was on at the time. But it’s been a long time. And the stank is not getting better.

The only other thing that changed was that I started taking Brewer’s Yeast (2 tablespoons a day) for protein and b-vitamins. I really like it - it makes me feel much better. But could it be the stank culprit? Why?

Brewer’s Yeast

This site: What Causes Flatulence claims that 1 in 3 people are intolerant to yeast.