Could "Pope John Paul" be the Antichirst?

I don’t mean this as a slur against catholics and other nonbelievers. It just a question.

To my understanding, the Antichrist, the bad boy mentioned in the Christian Bible (not the Mormon Bible) wants to be seen by humans as speaking a lot of languages.

Is it possible then that the billion people (not including the Chinese) who worship the Pope are actually worshipping the devil? Could the Antichrisis have achieved his goal by duping people like Pat Buchannan? Also, is this what the book of Job was talking about?

I know this is a really dumb question. But it is a debate, not an insult. I really don’t even know what the hell I mean.

But John Paul died over twenty years ago after being pope for only a month, not a very effective strategy for the great beast one would imagine.

Oh, you mean JP II.

Never mind.

OK then, who killed Jebus?

Was this supposed to be in the BBQ pit?

I’m not a believer in any of that stuff, but he seems way too decrepit. Unless it’s an act…

Oh, is this the BBQ pit? No, I meant this for Great Debates. Could a modernator move this for me?


This is a parody thread, based off of this.

Thw question the guy asked in GD, while obviously inflammatory and ignorant of history, still has some basis. You tell me, Lib, have Christians in the last couple of years resorted to mass murder or terrorism to exterminate the Jews, Muslims, etc.? No. Have the Jews done anything except to defend themselves vigorously? No. The only people doing that right now are followers of Islam, and while they are not representative of the whole, they still give Islam a bad reputation.

So I can see where that question comes from, although it requires people to forget things like the Crusades, and the way things are taught in school anymore, I wouldn’t be surprised if people really didn’t know what they were.

But geez, Lib, why don’t you raise an actual objection in the real thread instead of being a chickenshit and making fun of someone who asked a legitimate, if uninformed, question?

Stuff like this I find contemptible.

A modernator? No, you don’t want them to move this thread, it’ll end up all chrome and glass, devoid of spirit.

Opie: This is another one of them parody things, isn’t it, Paw?

Andy: Shore looks like it, Ope.

Priceless! I have opened this thread three times now and still LMAO every time I read this!


these keep gettin’ funnier.

every single time.

OK, that does it. I am leaving this board forever! :mad: You’ll feel sorry for me when I’m gone because I’m going to listen to Yanni.

What your asking would make the moderapers appear as big otts. Why can’t you accept the fact that they need to remain non-demographic in pubic matters?

Well, don’t let the door hit you in the bottom. And watch your step. For heaven sakes, wear clean underwear and take an umbrella if it looks like rain. (if the sky looks like rain, not the umbrella.)

Indeed, Airman. It seemed to me that the OP was trying, albeit in a clumsy way, to pose a serious theological question, and several posters took the question seriously and posted thoughtful answers that, with any luck, eradicated some of Hayduke’s ignorance.

Threads like this one are childish, and are, quite frankly, getting old.

Nope. Won’t feel sorry for you until you’ve degenerated to having a continuous loop of Kenny G. on your MP3 player. Or you buy the DVD and run that crappy Xmas video with Burgess Merideth in the movie theater over and over until you cry like a little girl whose Barbie doll has just been decapitated and burned (how the mighty Penguin has fallen).

I’ve gotta agree: Lib, the parody threads were fun at first, but you’re becoming a One-Trick Pony (tm me–I was the one who started the pit thread about Esprix and I demand credit ala Opal for the appelation of One-Trick Pony ) rather than dealing with people head-on.

But parody or no, just to clarify the matter:


…I knowa few women who have a borderline Pope fetish, but nobody I know takes the worship route. Oy.

OK, rant on.


Ott smash?

Please remember for future reference that “the Bible” IS “the Mormon Bible.” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has as its Standard Works: The Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. You will note that “the Bible” is the first of the Standard Works. I, as I’m sure many other LDS will also, appreciate folks not saying “The Bible, but not the Mormon Bible.”

Here endeth the oft-repeated lesson.

Well I don’t think he is the Antichrist. But he certainly could be the Antichirst.

I thought Jennifer Love Hewitt was the Antichrist?