I may have asked this before, but everytime I try to search I just get page errors, so I will ask again. I have read and reread hearts of atlantis a couple times, and I with it til the middle of the book while bobby is still a child, after that I am not sure what happens, I know bobby is there again at the end of the book with carol gerber, could someone fill me in? What happens in the middle? It doesn’t mesh with the begginning of the book.
Non of it meshes. The low men…who are they and why are they after the old men? Piano’s falling out of the sky?
Ok do you understand who the guy in the pink-too-too is? You know the one who changes like three times then becomes a pan handler in front of Saint Patricks Cathedral…Your question spans a very long time. But basically all the guys playing hearts in College mesh with the kids at the begining of the novel, who have nothing to do with the old man Bobby is so transfixed with, who is trying to get away from the low men…
Please re-phrase the questions to make them a little more precise. I love the book and have read it all the way through twice.
after that I am going to go reread the whole book LOL because i have no clue what you are talking about. I was just fine with the book until it passed bobbys child hood and teens. In the middle of the book it switches the whole point of view.
they are all trying to get away from the low men? Geez Louise back to the drawing board!
Hearts in Atlantis is really several stories, all related in some way, some more than others. I liked the first story and “Hearts in Atlantis” the most, the others sort of missed for me, though it’s a good book overall. One of King’s better books, really.
Please tell me you knew the Low Men in Yellow coats were in fact Regulator’s from the Dark Tower…You caught that right?
Look, essentially the book’s common theme runs around Vietnam. And the series of characters from 1960 through 1999. Don’t forget that Brautigan (old man) also dips his head in from time to time, and teaches Bobby that life really isn’t fair. But king felt compelled to have Brautigan get the upper hand and send bobby that card…remember…the one with rose petals. After he is supposedly already dead.
One of Kings better more thoughtout works if you ask me, maybe even his best.
The stories are connected but the first one, “Low Men is Yellow Coats” is the most important. It connects with Bobby in the last story as well but you’ve already figured that out. The other two seem to connect in the sense that they are in the same era. I treat them almost as short stories, separate from the other first and last.
As for understanding “Low Men…” you need to be aquainted with the Dark Tower mythos some. Then you will understand what the mean by calling Brautigan a “breaker”. To summarize:
The Dark Tower is the nexus of the Stephen King reality, the linch pin that hold all the dimensions in place. A great evil that has only been alluded to as the Crimson King is trying to destroy the Tower and unravel reality. To do this he must break the Beams, lines of force and order that serve and spokes going in to the central column of the tower. Certain humans have the psychic power to break these beams. The situation is all still very up in the air because the Dark Tower series hasn’t been finished yet. Or at least released.
Yep…Tyler and I’m eagerly awaiting the release!!! Soon I heard.
Nov. 2003 for book 5. Summer 2003 for book 6. And Nov. 2004 for book 7. Holy schlamoley I can’t wait!!!
Same here, Tyler… I’ll be re-reading all of them (including the new edition of The Gunslinger) before #5 comes out.
Ok so the characters in this book are from another book too? didn’t know that, but now that I knwo there are several stories going on it makes alot more sense.