Could you please shut the fuck up about how much I sleep?

I too have weird sleep patterns, I’m routinely up very late, then I tend to get my sleep in split shifts, about 4 hours in the morning and another 3 or 4 in the evening. But if given the opportunity, I’ll do what I did on Wednesday/Thursday – go to sleep around 8 p.m. and sleep straight through to about 10 a.m. or so. Ahh, bliss.

Mr. tlw lovingly accomodates me on this, and has taken to napping with me and baby tlw in the evenings. We all snuggle together. It’s very nice.

I thought that baby tlw would change all this, and that I’d have to get used to sleeping like “normal” people because that’s what the baby would do. In reality, she tends to sleep like I do! :smiley:

Because 95% of my job is done from home (telecommuting rocks) and can be done at any time, I find myself working at 3 a.m. a lot of the time. People at work have learned not to pay any attention if they get an e-mail from me with a timestamp in the middle of the night. When I do have to have a meeting, it’s in the afternoon unless there’s absolutely no other choice. People know now not to schedule me in the morning.

I wish people in general could be more understanding of those of us who aren’t on a “greet the sun” schedule, though.

Sounds like someone missed his widdle nap…

I love to stay up late and sleep late. My roommate (who is as very nice girl, but VERY annoying when she bitches) used to come back from class at 11:00 to find me sleeping and loudly exclaim, “Oh my GAWD. Get your lazy ass UP!” Never mind that I had returned from my 9:00 am class a half hour before. I was taking a nap, so that means I’m a lazy ass!

One of the most annoying things to wake up to is loud screeching and bitching.

Just let me fucking sleep!!

There, I feel better :smiley:

sidle and kallessa…I’ll be thinking of you when I’m watching the late rerun of the local news tonight guys…

This pisses me off SO MUCH! What’s worse is when I get LESS sleep than they do and they accuse me of lying around in bed all day. For example:

Say I’ve stayed up until my son leaves for school (8am)–rather than going to bed at 6am and having to get up in an hour–and then slept until 1pm. That’s 5 hours of sleep. But I’m LAZY because I was asleep during the day when the non-lazy people were awake.

When my husband was still here, sleep, among other things, turned into a power struggle. He hated when I slept. Never mind that we went to bed at the same time, never mind the fact that I got up a 2:30 a.m. while he stayed in bed, never mind that by the time I got home from work at 6:30, he was already 4 hours up on me sleepwise.
When HE woke up, I needed to wake up. In fact, I needed to get the kids up, take my shower, and maybe let HIM catch a few more zzzzs.
Because he works. He works hard.

Geez. Sorry for hijack, but man, oh man.

Glad you got rid of him! He’d have been dead with me after the first, “Wake up, bitch!” :wink:


I know exactly what you mean! My grandpa does something that bothers me to no end. I used to sleep every weekend until noon or later. On that days that I see my grandparents, and actually get up around 10 or so I hear “What?? It’s not noon yet, what are you doing up??!?!?” Every single morning. Now I try to be up earlier, and 11:00 (I know it’s not much earlier) is my general wake up time, and they still say that to me. Ugh!

I hate this, too! I naturally go to bed around 1-3 and wake up around 9-11. I don’t think that’s too bad. However, when I’m home, you’d think that I was the embodyment of sloth from the way my dad reacts. He would actually tell me when to go to bed and when to get up, and, when I wouldn’t listen, started sleeping downstairs on the couch so that I either had to go upstairs to my room (which has nothing in the way of entertainment when I’m home on vacation, so I’d basically have to sleep) or leave the house. Then he’d schedule “family” things for as early as possible in the morning–say, 7:30. Which means I had to get up at 6:30 in order to be coherent, dressed, bathed, and dried off.

He also gets mad when my 14 year old sister sleeps in past noon on her days off of school. Nevermind that she has allergies and wakes up about 6 times a night because of it. Or that normally she has to wake up at 5:30 in the morning.

:rolleyes: It’s how our clocks are set. If we’re not bothering anyone, let us sleep!

You’re not GETTING it sweetie. Managing a vertical position for those of us who are “morning challenged” does NOT = awake.

If you say good morning to someone who is in this zombie phase, it is as SEERINGLY agonizing to them as if you had just asked that person to perform a multi-phase algebraic equation.

What seems to be a neutral, even nice and polite, “mere” phrase to YOU, hits US like a 900 decibal cymbal crash.

So NO, not just no, but HELL no, we are NOT “just being jerks”. And NO, F*CK no, just because we aren’t the SAME AS YOU and, how did you put it?, “Once you’re up, you’re up. Anyone can suck it up and NOT be snarky.” when we merely open our eyes or manage a vertical state, does NOT make us jerks.

If you are a person who lives with, or has as a loved one, someone who IS in fact “morning challenged” it shouldn’t be THAT hard to figure out "hey, just let them alone for awhile (that means don’t talk to or “bug” them) until they wake up.

Same with if you work with a night owl. It’s not like after the first dozen times you get a blank stare, or grumpy grunt from them, that you aren’t clever enough to figure out “OH! Not a morning person” ya know?

Meaning that they should have the right, without undue criticism, to wake up to THEIR satisfaction and best abilities, NOT what you consider it “should” be.

Plus he spelled “douche” wrong. Perhaps he needs a nap?

Oh, man…I thought I was the only one with this shit going on.

“You sleep all fucking day!” HELL yeah I sleep all fucking day - that’s because I’m up all fucking night! I did laundry and the dishes and the toilets between midnight and four, and the only reason I haven’t vacuumed is because I’d wake up your lazy ass.

And RickJay. Dear, sweet RickJay. Don’t talk to me before coffee, understand? I’ll warn you once. Second time you get kick in the shins. Think I’m kidding?

All I want to know is how you MANAGE it…I don’t sleep very well these days. I have trouble getting to sleep, and then I wake up early. I LOVE my sleep…any pointers?

I have a more than 24-hour cycle, or something. So my schedule rotates gradually. I think in the ideal AlreadyWorld, I would be up for 30 hours on end and then sleep for 18.

Yes, yes. I don’t want any type of “perkyness” until I’m good and ready. Don’t ever, ever say “good morning sunshine” to me or you will receive the hairy eyeball. You’ll know I’m ready to talk when I speak to you first.

These are the same people who say “smile”, when I just feel like being grumpy.

Who is up way past her bedtime and expects to scowl and be a grumpy-ass in the morning

In Esprix’s defense, he has explicitly stated that we shouldn’t worry about waking him up on weekends. So, lately I’ve been doing the housework on Sunday mornings. Including running the vacuum. So far, no complaints.

About the whole saying “Good Morning” thing, some people have been raised that you politely greet people upon seeing them for the first time in a day. I know Esprix enough to know he’s not likely to respond, and that’s fine. But I’m likely to say “good morning” nonetheless. If this is problematical, well, it’s just one of those battle of the preferences things. You get those any time you have a shared-living relationship with someone else, be it a lover or a housemate.

The only time I’d likely try to honestly communicate with Esprix first thing in the morning is if something has happened that needs his immediate attention (water or gas is out, the house is on fire, etc.) or someone has called with an emergency situation (death, severe pain and suffering, etc.). If there’s something else, it waits until he looks reasonably sentient.

JOhn (who is thankful that Esprix is thoughtful during my own sleep periods).

Yes yes yes yes yes.


I have a Rotating Schedule, that’s probably a 28- or 30-hour-day. Not only that, I’ve got fibromyalgia (and a host of other things) and chronic fatigue syndrome, so yeah, I like to sleep. I like to be awake at night too, you know why? 'Cause the back of my eyes are “too pale” and bright light feels like it’s searing my eyeballs, and one of the various and sundry disorders I have (“Hi, I’m a genetic garbage heap, and how are you?”) makes sunlight cause all my joints to ache, and my skin to hurt. Call me a vampire, and I’ll borrow some of your blood. I don’t care. But let me sleep! I barely get 8 hours a day, I’m never scheduled into any events. You accept that fine. But why in hell do you insist that I can get on a ‘real schedule’ (ie. yours)? Note that word “can”. IT IS NOT MY CHOICE TO HAVE AN OVERLY LONG DAY. I CANNOT CHANGE THIS. STOP ACTING LIKE I CAN. I HAVE BROUGHT THIS UP SO MANY TIMES AND YOU ALWAYS MANAGE TO FORGET. Sigh. This will never end I’m afraid.


So, what are us “morning people” supposed to do when we face the people who apparently can’t stand to be said “Good morning” to? Ignore you? Say it really really quietly?

I’m not trying to be jerky here, and I never say things like “looks like somebody’s got a case of the Mondays!” but sometimes I just don’t know how to act when my co-workers come in and act like total zombies for the first hour or work. It’s just kind of disconcerting, but perhaps it’s something I need to get over. I don’t know. Advice would be appreciated, though.

I just hate those awkward moments in the mornings when someone whom you sit about two feet away from acts like you’re the enemy for smiling and saying “good morning. how are you?”

Ooooooh, I love morning people! What I really like is morning people who make coffee. CoffeeCoffeeCoffee! You be all chipper and cheerful and morning-perky-like and make me coffee and I’ll be nice to you (sweet, even!) after my first cup, I promise.

Just don’t talk. Please. Pretty please? Let me have my morning coffee in peace? The commute was bad enough, just let me chill and gather my thoughts for a bit while I sip my hot life-affirming COFFEE.

See, maybe we’re dealing with a different caliber of morning people here. I usually say “Good morning. How are you?” and am usually met with a glare and a mumble.

I don’t chatter–I let people gather their thoughts, I think. The more I think about this, the more I think it’s just some sort of insurmountable barrier. I can’t do anything to make some people act like normal human beings in the morning, and they can’t stop me from acting friendly at 8:50 a.m. So, uneasy truce, I guess?