Could you please shut the fuck up about how much I sleep?

And if they are already aware of my propensity for a just-woke-up attitude problem? Sorry, but if I’ve asked them to leave me alone in the morning and they still do it, they’re the jerks not me. However, if I know the person isn’t aware of my morning state of mind, I don’t actually snap at them - I don’t respond to them, generally, but snapping their neck and ripping their head off only happens in my mind’s eye. Really.

[sub]Stop looking at me like that![/sub]


Esprix, don’t you find it a bit disconcerting that you can sleep 16 hours straight? I don’t know anyone who can do that, and I’ve known some serious sleepers! Maybe it’s your inadequate diet!:wink:

Esprix, I’m all for a lovely afternoon nap on the weekends and all, and if your sleep schedule is not in sync with the rest of the world, to hell with them.

But 11p until 3p? That’s 16 hours! If you need that on a regular basis, may I suggest a visit to the doctor? IANAD, but that doesn’t sound quite right to me.

I love sleeping late. Unfortunately, a regular job and home responsibilities have taken care of that even on the weekend.

Oh isn’t that just the truth?
Takes at least an hour to fall asleep, and at least 4 snooze cycles to wake up again.
The worst of both worlds.

I used to be a night owl/excessive morning sleeper too, and I got
hounded about it constantly.
Now that the 8:30-5:00 deal, plus yardwork, baby on the way, etc. have eliminated that possibility, I must admit that I don’t feel in any way superior to my former self.
That’s what got me the most about the smug early risers/nonsleepers, especially those who would rib me for sleeping late in the morning, even though I worked from 1-9 pm for a few years.
I got the same 8 hours as you did, Skippy, just at a different time!
And even if I slept 12 hours a night, what the fuck difference does it make to you?
Is it a freakin’ CONTEST?
Not to me, it ain’t, so take it somewhere else, why dontcha?

All that “sleep superiority” crap just drives me nuts. I think it’s left over from that puritanical “early to bed, early to rise” mentality.

Hey!!! Sorry if there is a pea in your mattress, princess, but normal people do not sleep 14 hours a day. For the most part I don’t care what people do but nothing would piss me off more after coming back from classes starting at 7:55am to some lazy fuck of a roomate getting his beauty sleep until 1:00 in the afternoon.

Or even worse, having some dochebag of a roomate who rises from his afternoon nap at 6:00pm only to complain that the rest of us didn’t wake him for dinner. Fuck you bitch. Get an alarm clock or your mom or a wakeup service or something cause I ain’t any of those.

So the moral is - if you want to sleep all day, that’s your business. Just don’t expect the rest of the world to stop moving around you while you are asleep.

Excuse me, msmith, but where exactly did I ask the rest of the world to rotate around me? In fact, I asked everyone to leave me alone!

Either improve your reading skills or go fuck yourself. It’s arrogant people like you that I’m ranting about, so thanks for proving my point.


OK, it’s 1.40pm and i am now awake enough to contribute to this conversation.

As you might imagine, i’m going with the OP on this one. I certainly don’t expect the rest of the world to tiptoe for me when i sleep late, but i do resent the holier-than-thou crap that some people come up with. Luckily, being a grad student with many grad student friends, my sleeping habits are actually not too atypical among those i hang out with.

What pisses me off above all other things, though, is people who take issue not with the amount of sleep i get, but with the time of day that the sleep occurs.

For example, when i work (or play on SDMB :)) until 4 or 5 in the morning and then get up at noon or 1, and some moron who goes to bed at 10.30 and gets up at 7 criticises me for being lazy. Hello? Anyone home, fuckwit? We were in bed for about the same amount of time. I just happen to do my best work late at night when it’s quiet and there are no distractions. Just because you have to battle the rush hour to drag your ass to a 9-5 job doesn’t mean that everyone else has to follow the same schedule.

Well, now that i’ve got that off my chest, i think it’s time for a nap. Wake me when something interesting happens.

I dunno if 16 hours a day is healthy, but it’s not me sleeping it.

I do know, though, that the guy who set the record for the longest voluntary time spend awake - 11 days - only slept for 14 hours afterwards. OPn the other hand, I once slept 16 hours in a row after my first week of Combat Leaders’ Course. So I think there’s lots of room for variance.

Kalhoun and ivylass, it’s not a nightly or even regular thing. On Friday nights I’ll often stay up until 2:00, 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. because I know I get to sleep until 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, even 4:00 p.m. the following afternoon (it’s Saturday, after all). But if it’s been a long week and I’m exceptionally tired, I might hit the hay at 10:00 or 11:00 p.m. Friday night, and still sleep straight through until 2:00 or 3:00 p.m. Saturday afternoon. Yeah, it’s a lot of sleep, but I figure if I’m going to bed that early (because I’m tired) and sleep that late (without waking up) that my body needed it - I’m not one to argue. My usual evening routine, since I do work 8-5 every day like most other folks, is to head to bed at 11:00 p.m. (although sometimes it’s as late as 1:00 a.m. if I have work to do or I’m surfing the web), and I get up between 7:00 and 7:30 a.m. - a fairly normal sleep cycle. It’s only on weekends or vacations that I get to exercise my preferred sleeping patterns. (I will note that when I was unemployed for about a year in the early 90’s the sleep schedule I fell into, which felt very natural to me, was to head to bed around 5:00 a.m. and sleep until about 2:00 p.m. - also not particularly out of the ordinary length-wise, just time-wise.)

And Kalhoun, you must now die for the “inadequate diet” remark. I will send 100,000 volts through your keyboard at some indeterminate time in the future, so always be paranoid, m’kay? :stuck_out_tongue:


Actually, I’m not finished yet:


You’re a fucking jerk-off. If you don’t care, then why does it piss you off? Jealous because you had to be at class early when they were smart enough to schedule their classes to match their preferred sleep cycle? Maybe they get more work done that way, asshole. How does this make him lazy? Why do you call this “beauty sleep?” Why do you care (especially when you said you didn’t, idiot)? And what time did they get to bed the night before?

I’m going with the “go fuck yourself” option here, you choad.

Guess what? I agree with you here - unless he asked you to wake him, he has no right to brook an argument from you. I have an alarm clock to wake me when I have to get up, and I wouldn’t bitch if no one woke me when I never asked them to.

So if it’s my business, or your roommate’s business, why are you fucking complaining because they sleep different hours than you do - especially when you said you didn’t care?

Thank you for reminding me what a fucking idiot you are.


Okay, we could be roommates. Even when I’m tired I have a hard time going to bed before 11:30, and even when I’ve gone to bed at 11:30, if I can stay in bed until 10:30 or 11:00 am, I’m a happy camper (although I do admit to being half awake for at least an hour in the morning listening to NPR). I love rainy weekends because they so make it so easy to stay in bed!

And like Esprix, I’m perfectly capable of being up early if something is planned, or even if I personally have a lot to get done (stuff that can’t be done late at night) and sometimes simply because the day is too beautiful to spend inside.

If the Gods had intended us to see the sunrise, they would have scheduled it for later in the day.

And then there’s my husband. Mr. Late To Bed, Wake-up-every-two-hours, and Early To Rise. Sometimes he’ll get up at 4:00 in the morning and clean the garage. A strange one, he is.

(Zzzzzzzzzap!!! smoke coming out of ears smiley Pfffffft!)

Thanks for the volts, Esprix! Now I’ll be able to sleep tonight (although probably not as long as you! ;))

Y’know, it’s attitudes like this that make me want to beat the shit outta people sometimes.

I spent my life during high school about a hairs-breadth away from ripping off my mother’s head, mostly due to the fact that she liked to come in and wake me up in the mornings by throwing a dripping, cold, wet washcloth on my face. I’m sorry, but to me that’s about the most torturous thing in the world, next to actually waking up.

All my life I was guilt tripped about being lazy. I’d bust my ass all day long, go to work after school, then homework, and when I had the audacity to sleep for 14 hours in a row I was lazy.


I had to move out of my parent’s house to restore my sanity. I love them to death, as long as they don’t have reason to comment on my sleeping habits.

I have a couple sleep disorders that make it nigh impossible for me to sleep anywhere less than 10 hours and still feel rested the next day. An average week for me consists of at least a couple days where I come home, take a nap from 6-10PM, get up and eat dinner, then back to bed at 11PM and sleep again until 8AM. Weekends I may go to bed around 10PM and not wake up until 2 or 3PM the next day.

I don’t ask the world to change to fit my needs, and I humbly accept the fact that the rest of the world is awake when I am asleep (most of the time). I manage to hold a job without being late excepting special circumstances, and I realize that I’m incredibly lucky to have an understanding husband who will pour coffee down my throat after the alarm goes off to make sure I get up in time.

However, I don’t think anyone has the right to say this makes me lazy. I do more during the time I’m awake than most people do in the span of a week. Both my husband and I work full time and go to class full time, as well as help take care of the rest of our immediate family (mother & father, brother, etc.).

All I ask is that you keep the fucking blinds pulled shut and stay the fuck away from me before noon. If I don’t have to get up, then for God’s sake LET ME SLEEP!

Heh. Esprix said “choad”. I haven’t heard that in a while. It kinda made my day. :smiley:

Seriously though, what is the fucking problem with someone sleeping? If you don’t need them for anything, what’s the big deal? I can see getting pissed if, say, you had plans and this person just slept right through them and fucked up your whole day, but otherwise…come on. Who cares?

I have a bizarre sleep cycle myself- I rarely sleep for more than 4-6 hours at a stretch. I’ve been this way my entire life. So when I get home from work, I go to sleep. I wake up around 11 at night and then do stuff for a while, then go back to sleep. I nap on the weekends: stay up until 4 or 5 am, then sleep until 10. It works wonderfully and I’m rarely tired, except when some idiot insists I sleep for 8 straight hours or won’t let me get my after-work nap. I’m mostly nocturnal, and that ‘able-to-conquer-the-world’ feeling that some people get at 6 am, I get at 2 am. Different strokes. In a tribal society, it would be my job to be on watch and keep the fire going while the more regularly-cycled sleepers were unconscious. And I’m cool with that. So when people scream about my staying up all night and sleeping during the day, I just tell 'em to be glad I was on the job and no lions sneak-attacked our camp. 'Cause they knew I was up.

Y’all are making me jealous.

The li’lest Sauron had a respiratory virus and pneumonia last week. We’re still reeling from the effects of that, which means I’m getting about four hours’ sleep a night, in roughly one-hour increments.

The killer is that when it’s bedtime, I’m not tired. I drag the rest of the day, but in the evening I get some energy from somewhere.

I’d love to sleep 16 hours straight (or at least give it the ol’ college try).

I, too, like to sleep in on the weekends. Messing up that desire, however, is a certain 5-year-old offspring of mine. I count myself lucky if he hasn’t woken me by 8 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday morning. And it’s not enough for him for me to turn on the TV and go back to sleep. Oh no, 7:30 a.m. is made for jumping up and down on daddy’s head because it’s time to PLAY!!

He has no idea how close to death he comes every other weekend.

And what’s with all the God. Damned. TYPING!???!!

I’d love to live on Bajor. 27 hour day. Extra 3 hours sleep every night, with no guilt.

I had a great schedule in college. Stay up until 4am or so, up at noon. It was perfect.

Then came working life. I could still sleep nice and late on the weekends.

Then came Caseyboy, my Border Collie.

I’m lucky if I can get past seven without the wetnose on the neck. That comes first. He’s usually been watching me intently for any sign of life since 6 or so.

Then comes the paw. He jumps on bed, sits up and puts his paw on my face.

Then comes the wet squeaky toy dropped on the pillow.
Don’t get a high energy working breed as a pet if you value your sleep.

(In all truth, it’s been worth the trade).

Actually, I get that, too. At 123 wpm (last tested), people are usually agog when they see me really flying. :smiley:
