Gather 'round my children.
Sit here, at the table.
Cleanse your spirits of negative vibrations. (jarbabyj-that means turn off the vibrator).
Join hands, Seekers of Spiritual Wisdom!
C K Dexter Haven, Arnold Winkelried, manhattan, UncleBeer! The poker game has to stop! You can’t hold hands whilst holding a hand, or at least not without somebody sneaking a peek at your cards.
Coldfire– put away that dammed banjo. Yes, & the whisky, too.
Now then…
We are gathered here today to summon the spirit of The ghost in the jar, of E-Bay fame, who graced us poor mortals by joining the SDMB.
Though he only posted twice in this thread LINK, and that’s nothing compared to my triple post, he moved us all deeply.
Let us Summon him & recieve his ectoplasmic postings on a regular basis!
Oh mighty or might-notty The ghost in the jar!
Send us your postings from Beyond The Veil, or Cleveland, whichever!
Endow us with Wisdom!
Reveal the Ancient Mysteries!
Teach us Richard Nixon’s favorite butterscotch pudding recipe!
All posters who desire to communicate with the Great Beyond, & save a few bucks on the long distance rates, post your messages here!
And get yer hand outta the pocket where I keep my wallet, Vixenation, unless you got indecent intentions.