Couples Costume Ideas

I’m guessing you’ve never been to the Halloween parade.

Is there a type of pie called ‘video’?

Paint punctuation onto t-shirts and go as smilies.


with mood appropriate as to which order you’re standing and facing.

Doesn’t really go with the bald thing, and it requires a little gender-bending, but my wife and I once went to a costume as Mario and Luigi.

From the same party: two of our friends dressed up as Perseus and Pegasus rising from Medusa’s corpse.

One of my favorite couples costumes was done by my husband and a girlfriend (or maybe it was a girl friend) in college: She wore a crisp suit and tie, starched collar and freshly shined shoes and spiffy hat, and he wore torn clothing, ratted hair, smears of “dirt” on his face, and fastened some assorted stuff (papers, pens, a telephone handset, a teddy bear, a hairbrush, socks, etc.) on stiff wire, which he sort of twisted around him so it looked like the stuff was flying around him.

They were Order and Chaos, of course!

Ha! I love it!

Red hair, you say?

Tony Stark and Pepper Pots.

(I’m only suggesting this because I’m making a Tony Stark costume, complete with a glowing arc reactor under my shirt, and no one to be my Pepper…:()

Korben Dallas and Lilu!

(Strategically placed bandages optional?)

This might be nice

Get white t-shirts and paint a giant P on each one. Ten put some dark makeup around one eye on each of you.

You are now the Black-Eyed Peas. (And it’s sooooooo cheap to do.)

Probably one of the easier would be Anna and the King of Siam. Obviously you could be Anna and he could do the whole Yul Brenner thing. “etc, etc, etc.”

But a possibility might be a Catterpiller (him in a sleeping bag with legs on it and maybe wearing ski or swim goggles) and Butterfly (You in tights and a turtleneck and wings and ski or swim goggles if you want).

A low tech one could be “Beauty and the Geek” (the hair thing doesn’t even enter into it)

If neither of you mind green body/face paint, perhaps Shrek and Fiona? This is something we are considering this year. We did Charlie Brown and Lucy several years ago.

Oooh, I like this idea! I’d be a way better Pepper Pots than Gwyneth Paltrow any day. How are you making a glow in the dark thingy for under your shirt?

mlerose, I would love to do Shrek and Fiona but my boyfriend has issues with Shrek. Apparently one of his cousins told him he looks like Shrek (which he doesn’t, he looks like Patrick Stewart, but to a little kid bald=shrek I guess) and he was less than thrilled with the comparison. Somehow I don’t see him purposely trying to look like Shrek. I had the same response when someone told me I looked like Wynona Judd, so I understand where he is coming from with that.

I thought of dressing him in all blue and dressing myself in all pink and creating two halves of a car out of cardboard and going as game pieces from the game LIFE but that seems a bit complicated and I don’t know how well other people would get it.

With your red hair, you could make a sexy, kick-ass red dress and attach paper or cloth-made flames to it…Fire.

He could fashion a pretty easy fireman costume with green pants and a yellow shirt (thick fabric–I’m thinking Forest Service hotshot, not city). Helmets are easy to come by at a hardware store.

He could “put you out” all night.

I’m combining ideas from this instructable, this instructable, and this youtube video.

I want this! Not as a halloween costume but just as a day to day dress! I think people would laugh at me though. I think I’d look hella sexy in it but I also know that I would end up walking over a subway grate in this dress and the rest would be youtube history.

Stop at the local sex shop, & dress as Dom & Sub, with roles assigned as appropriate. Leash optional.

Friends of ours -

He wore camping gear and carried a paddle. She wore camping gear and hip high rubber boots.

Roe v. Wade

Its a concept costume

Patrick Stewart you say? How about Jean-Luc Picard & Beverly Crusher?

You might have seen the couples costumes here, but this is a fun site:

I concur – dress as Cap. J. Picard and Cap. B. Picard from the future scene in the series finale “All Good Things.”