Couples who are "Home Alone" for Thanksgiving, check in here

. . . and make me feel better!

Seriously, I know that I’m lucky to have my prince, Mr. S, to share the day with. But I’m also a little disppointed that no invitations were forthcoming for Thanksgiving. His parents are dead, and some of his siblings have their own grandchildren, so they’ve all splintered off into their own celebrations. (And quite frankly, they’re not really our type anyway.) My mom and dad are off snowbirding, and there’s a similar splinter effect in my family. So it’s not even the family I miss – just the gatherings. We would have liked to host a “second Thanksgiving” gathering for friends this weekend, but Mr. S’s new job schedule has him working Fri-Sun, so that’s out. And even if we could afford to put out the feed bag and invite a bunch of people for the day itself, all of our local friends have their own family gatherings to go to. Poop.

Thought we had a bite the other day – one of my best buds, who is the ultimate hostess and whose sister is visiting for a month, e-mailed to say (1) “Gee, we need to get together soon!” and (2) “What are you guys doing for T-giving?” (She knows that we essentially have no family, and we’ve always gotten along great with their family; we even spent one Christmas with them. So a T-giving invite didn’t seem unreasonable.) I replied with “That would be great!” and “Eh, nothing, really.” I’ve heard nothing from her since. (And yes, I followed the “Inviting People for Thanksgiving” thread with some interest.) Yeah, who am I to expect to be invited, but it just seemed like she would. I get cabin fever sometimes, working at home, and the holiday seemed like a nice opportunity to take a break and visit with the people we never seem to have time to see. Double poop.

So Mr. S and I are going with our original plan, which is to break out the cookbooks we’ve been collecting recently and try some new things: I’d like to make samosas and risotto, and maybe try something with phyllo dough, and he wants to pan-fry some chicken like his mom used to do. We may break out the beading supplies and make some stuff for fun. Maybe break out the Trivial Pursuit. Maybe have a roll in the hay. :smiley: Definitely play with the dogs. And have a toasty fire in the woodstove. And one December weekend I hope to throw together another cookie-decorating party. I know, you have to invite to get invited!

I hate myself for feeling pouty; I know I’ll have a much more pleasant day than a lot of people, and I’m always a grateful person (if only subconsciously today :slight_smile: ). I already feel a little better than I did this afternoon, and perhaps by tomorrow I’ll be reasonably cheery.

So please, stay-at-home couples, tell me about your plans and show me that we’re not freaks!

I can’t remember teh last time it was more than ‘just us’ for Thanksgiving. This year, it’ll be even fewer 'cause my son (who’s usually with us) is going to his dad’s for the day. So, 2 adults 3 cats, one turkey, which means we should be getting near done with the damned thing by Christmas.

We’ll cook the bird, traditional t-day dinner w/mashed taters, raw veggies etc, and leftovers for about 3 weeks.

Well, we just finished house-cleaning and shopping. Tomorrow, I’ll be cooking while Carnie runs a few errands and picks up a copy of Best In Show for my viewing pleasure. Then, lots of yummy food, the movie, and some… errr… personal time. :wink:

I’m looking forward to it; I really am.

Mr. Grace and I will be spending Thanksgiving alone this year. We were supposed to do have dinner out our house with a friend and my in-laws, but our in-laws called earlier this week to say they couldn’t come since my father-in-law had to work Friday and Saturday. We would normally pile into the care and go home to Austin since my family puts on a big shindig each year and still be able to visit with the in-laws since they live in Austin too, but Mr. Grace has decided that he has to work on Friday so that means we’re stuck in Dallas.

I don’t really think our friend is going to show up since he has stood us up the last three times he’s said he was coming. I’m counting on him being a no show again this year. So it looks like Mr. Grace and I will go out for lunch. He doesn’t think it’s worth it to make a Thanksgiving dinner for two people. :frowning:

We’re home alone for Thanksgiving for the first time, due to family far away, family working, etc. To our surprise, we’re kinda excited about it. It’s been a crazy last six months for both of us work-wise, so we haven’t had a whole lot of time together. Even though we miss our families, the prospect of 5, count 'em FIVE, whole days off together does not suck!

We have a pre-cooked turkey breast that need only be warmed in the oven, mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry sauce, fresh bread, and a bunch of seet stuff. We plan to get up when we want, shower and get dressed only if we feel like it, eat when we feel like it, watch movies, and generally goof off. YAY!

If I may check in with a brief pity party…

Ms. Undhow is in Germany for the next couple of months for her job. So I’m spending the holiday all alone! (She can come back for Christmas fortunately).

C’mon, guys, let’s hear some sympathy…

What are you doing weeping at home, Dewey? I’ll be in the office, billing away.

Grace my love?

Let me share with you how very lucky you are. I love and adore my family. But I am cooking Thanksgiving dinner for 21 people tommorow, and I know [sub]from experience[/sub] that I would BLESS some silence somewhere along the line! Of course, I also bless the wonderfulness of my family. But still…well, sometimes during all that commotion, it takes some work to feel blest.


Dewey honey…

I am so sorry, you wanna join the madhouse? You are welcome! If you are intelligent enough to say thanks but no thanks, then please take ScottiHugs instead?

Not completely alone (my visiting mom makes 3), but we’re excited because this is the first Thanksgiving in ages that we’ll have in our own home. In the last 6 years, I was out of the country once, we visited family 3 times, and I was managing a movie theater twice (which meant working all day Thanksgiving)–so this will be the first time that we can relax at home all day and put our feet up in our own living room. :slight_smile:

Aw, Grace, I’m sorry your husband doesn’t believe in cooking Thanksgiving dinner for two. Last year was the first time I’d tried it (for myself and Carnie) and it was wonderful! We made it quite a night of it, with candles and flowers and quiet music… It turned out to be quite romantic! (I’m normally highly allergic to “romantic”; it makes me break-out in swear words.)

Gee, Dewey, that mortally sucks! Have you friends nearby with whom you can dine?

Yeah, been there. The first year we decided to take a break from the extended family, it was great and we did the same as you. For a few years we invited my single-mom friend and her two kids to join us for Christmas. That was fun for us DINKs to have some children around. This year my friend has reconciled with her mom – great for her, because she’s spending T-day with her mom for the first time in a while! But it means we can’t “borrow” her family.

Maybe next year I should just dive in with both feet and invite all the aunts and uncles – all of them who have big houses and are great cooks, and me with my tiny dining table and stack of nearly virgin cookbooks . . . :eek:

Man I wish I was having a “home alone” T-day dinner. :frowning: I have to go to my in-laws for lunch. It’s just a big pain in my ass. I don’t like them, they make me uncomfortable, I’m going to miss the Broncos game, their house stinks, I have to pretend to be in a holiday mood. It may be a little early but I say BAH HUMBUG.
Actually, I plan on only being their for a few hours and then coming home and having our own little dinner (well, if a 20 lb bird with all the trimmings can be considered little) and then we’ll watch The Godfather DVD.

Marcie and I will be by ourselves.

I don’t know if this will make you feel better, but I’m alone this Thanksgiving. My wife is in the States and I’m in Korea. (I’m 2 months through a one-year tour.)

I had Thanksgiving dinner with a co-worker and his family. AND I’m getting together with Astroboy and Astrogirl this weekend I’m going to try to make Zenster’s world-famous secret Memphis Dry Rub Ribs. Thanks Zenster!) So my Thanksgiving isn’t too pitiful.

It’s being away from my wife for a year that stinks.

(former)Roommate and I are having Thanksgiving together. He’s having a full me, and I have my chicken broth.

Later this afternoon, we’re going to the movies - probably “Harry Potter”. And lots of walking.

Actually, Maeglin, I did bring some work home for the holidays, and will have to go in to the office at some point. There will be some billin’ goin’ on!

Thanks to the rest of you guys…

I had planned on more or less blowing off Thanksgiving, but now I’m craving turkey! Can anyone recommend a place to get a last-minute precooked turkey?

My parents are divorced. My mother’s parents were divorced. Holidays in my family are busy, and endless. Celebrating the holiday on it’s actual calendar date is a rarity.

I love my family, though. Our get-togethers are always fun. But after reading this…

…I think maybe next year, I’m going to try and convince one or the other set of grandparents to just take the kids for the holiday. Damn, that sounds like fun!

Eeek! I no longer feel sorry for myself. God bless you Scotti. I love my family, but I’d kill myself [sub](not literally)[/sub] if I had to spend the entire day with them AND have to cook for that many people. Many blessing on you today, my dear.

xcheopis - I don’t like it that Mr. Grace thinks cooking for two isn’t worth it. To his credit, that’s his viewpoint most of the year too. He’d much rather go out to eat than dirty up the kitchen. It’s not that I’m a terrible cook either. He’s just terribly picky and he can pick from a selection instead of eating the one meal I prepare. Every once in awhile I just get in the mood to cook and he’s forced to eat at home.

Lemmee see…
GrizzWife, GrizzCub and I are in N.E. Ohio with no family about, so we’re doing the stay-at-home thing with just the three of us. GrizzCub’s a mere 13 months old, so he’s not really aware of the meaning.
I have a Mom and sister in VA, another sister in FL and another sister in MD. A brother who is a truck driver and is probably on a haul, and another that is nearly impossible to locate.
GrizzWife’s parents are in FL, and a brother and sister-in-law in Rochester area.

Just once, I’d like to get both of our families together.

Damn right! That’s Thanksgiving in New York for ya.

I’m thankful I’m not dead and I’m thankful that I still have a job.

Took me forever to walk crosstown today, what with the parade and all.