COVID: When am I not contagious?

Yeah…I’ve Googled this but the answers are all vague (probably intentionally so).

I tested positive for COVID on Monday (and was actually sick the day before but tested on Monday). I was sick for 3-4 days and today (Thursday) I am feeling much better if a bit wiped out. Nothing a good night’s sleep can’t fix.

I tested myself again (just minutes ago) and it was a clear negative. No COVID.

So, can I go out in public again? Hang out with friends and so on without risking infecting anyone or, am I still contagious? (assume I shower and wash my clothes)

If I am contagious, how much longer should I isolate?

I’d give up on the weekend. You’ll be tired early. Don’t need to stress out the system to cause a relapse.

Take it easy.

The CDC revised its guidance on this regarding COVID earlier this year, to bring it in line with its guidance for other respiratory infections.

That fits with what I did when I had Covid a couple of months ago. I knew I had it on the Thursday, and by Sunday felt like I was recovered, if exhausted, so could return to normality on Monday.

I’d suggest that you consider yourself contagious for at least a full week after your symptoms are gone.