Yeah…I’ve Googled this but the answers are all vague (probably intentionally so).
I tested positive for COVID on Monday (and was actually sick the day before but tested on Monday). I was sick for 3-4 days and today (Thursday) I am feeling much better if a bit wiped out. Nothing a good night’s sleep can’t fix.
I tested myself again (just minutes ago) and it was a clear negative. No COVID.
So, can I go out in public again? Hang out with friends and so on without risking infecting anyone or, am I still contagious? (assume I shower and wash my clothes)
If I am contagious, how much longer should I isolate?
That fits with what I did when I had Covid a couple of months ago. I knew I had it on the Thursday, and by Sunday felt like I was recovered, if exhausted, so could return to normality on Monday.