In my workplace, most of us have private offices, and generally keep our doors open unless we do not wish to be disturbed. The hallway outside my office gets a bit of traffic, as it is near one of the sign-in sheets, the break room, and the guys’ john.
I’m not too easily disturbed by this traffic, or folks who talk in the halls. my work dosn’t require thay much concentration amd - like I said - I can always close my door if need be.
But I don’t understand why some folks just call out “Hi Dinsdale” as they walk past my office door, even tho I didn’t look up or in any other way acknowledge their passing. Two folks who generally come in later than I do it like clockwork every morning, as tho I was eagerly waiting for them to show up. And other folks call out “Goodbye” as they are leaving.
Now, I’m basically a pretty surly cuss, but I generally try to keep a lid on my innate antisocial tendencies when out in public. I’ll smile and acknowledge you in the hallway or elevator - heck, in another thread I admitted my willingness to exchange pleasantries in the john! If you want to stop in and shoot the shit, by all means, please do. I’ll readily welcome the slightest excuse to stop whatever I’m doing.
But stop with the drivebys. What am I supposed to do - call out a return “Hi” or “Goodbye” even though you are no longer visible by the time I look up? While you may think you are giving the appearance of being sociable, you are doing nothing other than disturbing me. Cut it out already!
I’m afraid that I have to give this rant a 2 out of 10. It has an awkward beat and you can’t dance to it.
If the worst problem in your life is that people are being nominally pleasant to you, then count your blessings.
And no, I don’t think you are obligated to say hello to an empty doorway.
I am going to nominate this for the worst segue of all time.
I’m afraid i agree. (I might even give it a 1.)
If these folks were calling out “Hi!” every single time they found themselves in your hallway, I could see a (tiny) bit of pique being raised. However, a single “good morning” and a single “good evening” simply don’t rise to the level of obnoxious behavior.
I make it a habit to say “good night” to anyone I pass any time I work after 5:00, just so they know that I am gone (and that they might be alone in the department). That makes one fewer person they have to track down if they are the last to leave and are thinking of killing the lights.
I might not make a point of saying “Bye” to anyone but the receptionist if I was leaving on time, but if someone else was that polite, I doubt that I would be angered by their actions.
I’ll also say goodnight to people, since I’m often one of the last two or three people here – that way they know I’m leaving (I’m off in an odd little corner).
In fact, just last night I stuck my head in my boss’s office to say goodnight, and she thanked me for doing so.
Or the worst combination of idiom…
When I get the driveby “hi”, I don’t even bother to look up, I just respond with a “Yo!”.

I’m afraid that I have to give this rant a 2 out of 10. It has an awkward beat and you can’t dance to it.
If the worst problem in your life is that people are being nominally pleasant to you, then count your blessings.
And no, I don’t think you are obligated to say hello to an empty doorway.
I’m gonna have to subtract an additional point for the OP’s non-reader-friendly lack of paragraph breaks.
You could shut your door…?
I’ll say bye to my boss at the end of the day, but I don’t say hi as I walk by open office doors.
That said, things could be a lot worse. You could have people parking their butt in your office to shoot the shit about trivial matters while you’re trying to work.
At least you have a door.
Respond with spontaneous random words or phrases.
See you later
Angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night.
Then you can lean back in your chair laughing at the fact that, five seconds later when their brain catches up, they’ll be thinking to themselves, “Whaaaa? Did he just say ‘cretaceous’?”.
I have to admit I gave up saying “good night” years ago. I learned that alerting my bosses to the fact that I was leaving only cued them to say “Wha --? It’s 5:00? But I need you to get this out - and this - and this - and this . . .” None of this was important, gotta put in the overtime type of work. They just hadn’t bothered getting around to it until alerted by me saying good night.
Jesus Christ,. the nerve of some people saying Hi. Honestly, what kind of terrible, terrible human being would do that? I can’t believe such behaviour is legal!
Cows, indeed!
What a little princess the OP is. I have a feeling if I knew Dinsdale IRL I’d immediately sniff him/her out as a surly cuss whom I’d then make it my life’s objective to inundate with so much niceness I’d eventually have him/her crippled over on the floor dry-heaving from all my sweetness & light.
You surly cusses are so much fun to love-bomb.
So what’s the final rating - a 1? I’m number 1!
You know, I handle the small shit - global warming, US escapades in Iraq, my wife’s countless affairs, my disrespectful reprobate kids, and my dog biting me. But there are some things I just won’t tolerate, and nominal pleasantness by my cow-orkers is at the top of that list.
Sure I could close my door, but that would cut against my reputation as a jovial, sympathetic, energetic team player that I’ve carefully cultivated at work these past two decades. (And if anyone believes THAT…)

But there are some things I just won’t tolerate, and nominal pleasantness by my cow-orkers is at the top of that list.
Damn straight.
I try, I honestly try at this Yom Kippor forgiveness stuff for example, but most people are stupid and I hate them.

I try, I honestly try at this Yom Kippor forgiveness stuff for example, but most people are stupid and I hate them.
I don’t know why, but this is now one of my all time favorite things I’ve read on the Dope.
For the OP- close the door and put happy notes on the inside inviting people to knock and come in. You could put pictures of kittens and sad-eyed clowns on your door to promote your reputation as a gosh-darn softie.

I don’t know why, but this is now one of my all time favorite things I’ve read on the Dope.
For the OP- close the door and put happy notes ***on the inside * ** inviting people to knock and come in. You could put pictures of kittens and sad-eyed clowns on your door to promote your reputation as a gosh-darn softie.
on the outside, on the outside. Freudian, eh?
Jeez Din, what’s wrong with you? Loud annoying idiots interrupting your train of thought to let you know that they are so important you need to know their every move bothers you?
People, if I’m frowning at my monitor and not looking in your direction, don’t yell out “Good morning!” to me. Especially if you have a high voice and tend to talk with that annoying sing-song rhythm. I don’t care that you walk in at 8:05 every morning, your movements don’t interest me when I’m trying to work. Shouting out meaningless pleasantries makes me stop what I’m doing, look up to see who is addressing me, try to figure the proper response, then pick up where I left off. If you are breezing by and shout “bye” without stopping, you have had a negative effect on my life.
If I see you in the hall or make eye contact with you, I’ll stop and chat. Otherwise, leave me alone and please don’t tell me about your sick cat.
Thank you
… but I assume that people call out “Hi Dinsdale” because that’s your name.