Craigslist Long Island W4M - Wot Hoppened?

This is so fairly mundane and pointless that it belongs in this forum, even if a question is being asked.

Anyway, being a single guy on Long Island (which is NOT why I am home posting this on a Saturday night…although admittedly it doesn’t help), I like to check out what local singles ladies are looking for (yeah, yeah, they’re not looking for me, I know, whatever). Craigslist women seeking men (w4m) listings, while never having all that impressive an amount of entries, at least had a decent number of listings to review and either chuckle or ponder over (and try to figure if it was a scam or not).

Anyway, starting sometime last year (spring, maybe), the number of w4m listing dropped - so much so that by summer 2010 lesbian listings (w4w) started to outnumber the w4m listings :eek: Meanwhile, w4m listing numbers kept dropping so precipitously that over the past few weeks you find only a handful (2-6), and then the dreaded “Few LOCAL results found. Here are some from NEARBY areas…” message, which basically means “Sorry Dude, you’re hosed”. Whoa! w4w is about a page of listings (100 posts per page it says), and m4m is running 9-10 pages (or 900+ - I’m not gonna count them all).

Now, this is probably somehow related to the fact that only the w4m listing pages have the ‘Scam Alert’ message - obviously they really cracked down on Long Island. Still, I wonder if this is related to other things too, things I am unaware of (and maybe don’t want to think about).

Addendum: Holy crud - I just opened the 2 (wow, 2!) current local w4m listings - one seems to be a chain letter and the other was flagged for removal! Poo! Maybe the ladies of Long Island really aren’t looking for me, or any other man for that matter.

OK, I know I should take Craiglist personels as seriously as Astrology or Enzyte, but still, this is all a bit depressing :frowning:

WAG: Crackdown on prostitution postings.

Sorry SirRay they’re just not that into you.

CBS “48 Hours” ran this last Summer.
Possible scary reason.

I think this is it. I occasionally take a look at the listings and the last time I checked the ratio of genuine postings from women and men (many of whom seem to be *looking *for prostitutes, or at least women who like to meet strangers for NSA sex based on nothing but poor spelling and a cock shot) is very skewed. I just checked now and the number overall has dropped but, despite the crackdown, I still don’t think that beautiful Asian woman looking for a is ‘an older (45+) corporate executive type to mentor her’ is truly searching for love.

IME, women post more in Missed Connections!

Fair assessments all, and I know about the prostitution crackdown and scam crackdown (which I mentioned in my OP), and also that prostitutes have gotten murdered from calls they made via Craigslist (e.g. the unsolved Gilgo Beach murders)
What is a bit puzzling to me is that the Manhattan w4m section seems to be going strong, with no noticible drop-off (then again, I don’t check that section too much). Queens seems to be about the same too, but then again it was never all that packed either - but Long Island w4m today has 5 whole postings, including the ‘Gorgeous Asian girl’ listing mentioned above which probably will be flagged (but not by me).
Crap, the Lesbians are now up to over a 100 postings - come back girls, we need you on our side, all is forgiven! (Some of those listings you just gotta hope are scams…otherwise there’s some really funky fetish “stuff” going on in Long Island’s LGBT community…)

It’s a side effect of their battle on spam. Most of the w4m postings in Portland have traditionally been spam, and now pretty much any actual w4m post gets killed with aggressive flagging. It’s basically ruined, and all due to spammers, porn bots and email harvesters.