Crazy Ivan post..

Yeah, I guess you need to add those extra dots, Desmo. The hamsters ate my attempted double post…

Crazy Ivan – from some novel by Larry Niven right? The gripping Hand or something.

Of course you might just be stoned out of your head…

  • Rune

High? Never… even if I try no high people… axe to stone… yeah. anyway…

Hunt for…

A) somebody’s mother
B) something to insult thaidog with… the evidence is out there believe me
C) Red October
D) Tyler… lay off the crack

No it isn’t Darth.

No it isn’t Darth****.

Desmostylus you got it… go wi’d it!

Missing yet another of Michael Ellis’ thoroughly original posts. All five hundred of them.

As for Ivan, he’s crazy like a Fox. Or should that be like a burning dog?

Shut the fuck up, Thaidog. Fucking moron.

Shut the fuck up, Thaidog. Fucking moron****.


Hah!** **

oh… the land down under speaks! I’m going to let this one go… you too mas para me and stuff dude… I’m out to play some tennis… to get myself “right”! ta ta and shit… try your best to keep it down Desmo… under that is!

Is this what you’re talking about?

Well, that was fun.

No, that’s Crazy Eddie. Why the Moties would name their probe after a defunct New York appliance chain is known but to God.

Like I said: Shut the fuck up, Thaidog. Fucking moron.

Like I said: Shut the fuck up, Thaidog. Fucking moron****.

What the hell is UP with all the double posts? Hamsters burning the dog, I guess.

Nah, what he’s talking about is the show that Reid Fleming, World’s Toughest Milkman, rushes home (or other people’s homes, depending on the situation) to see. It’s a soap opera about a skeleton.

What the hell is UP with all the double posts? Hamsters burning the dog, I guess.