Creative Portraits of the TM--get yer mouse

Get your favorite graphics program, pop over to the Teeming Millions Homepage profiles, grab your favorite, and do whatever you want with it. Then post it here!

Satan as Satan
Neuro Trash Barbie
Louie: Wanted

“it’s all real”
“I KNEW IT!!!”
O p a l C a t

Sounds like a good way to put off doing the dishes. I’ll give it a try!

“It’s okay. I wouldn’t remember me either.”

I once played around with Paint Shop Pro to make my picture look like I was dressed like Charlie McCarthy. No, you can’t see it.

Mayor of Snerdville, the home of Mortimer Snerd

“I’m just too much for human existence – I should be animated.”
–Wayne Knight

Opal - That is absolutely HILARIOUS!!

Thank you… I am honored!

Now, I wanna see you do Drain.

No, don’t mess with her picture. I was thinking some hot lesbo action…

Okay, I’m kidding. Just mess with her picture… :smiley:

Yer pal,

Satan, go look at The Sincerest Form of Flattery again.

Opal, I sent ya my picture for the tm home page, have you put it up yet?

orange: I’m sorry, the TM Homepage is finished. Those who sent in pictures and/or profiles MAY get added, but don’t count on it.

“it’s all real”
“I KNEW IT!!!”
O p a l C a t

Hope this works :slight_smile:


Hey I must admit, for the small amount of time I worked on it (of course it could be better) turned out not so bad < giggle >

tee hee hee!

“it’s all real”
“I KNEW IT!!!”
O p a l C a t

Zette the Clown

“it’s all real”
“I KNEW IT!!!”
O p a l C a t

Opal! You read my mind! I’m reading this thread thinking “Oh! I hope someone does my pic!”

I love it!

Zette Wayne Gacey

Love is like popsicles…you get too much you get too high.
Not enough and you’re gonna die…

:smiley: Pretty funny, OpalCat. Thanks.

Louie: young guy, possibly a bit green, but smart as paint. - Greg Charles
have some fun

Sigh. I tried it, but I guess I’m just not very creative. :frowning:


I would’ve gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for those meddling kids!


An infinite number of rednecks in an infinite number of pickup trucks shooting an infinite number of shotguns at an infinite number of road signs will eventually produce all the world’s great works of literature in Braille.

I’m just thankful I don’t have any pictures of me on the internet…< giggle > I would hate to see what someone would do to me.

Probably I would have a gun and the US Flag in my hands. With some caption like “Give me Libertarian or give me death” (the political party, not the poster)


Come on people! Post yours! Who cares how good it is?

“it’s all real”
“I KNEW IT!!!”
O p a l C a t

Oh…uh…heh. Sorry neuro, but the Barbie thing just seemed the most ludicrous and therefore I couldn’t pass it up.

“it’s all real”
“I KNEW IT!!!”
O p a l C a t

I laughed so freaking hard while making this, I cried…I am still giggling…hope you like it Cessandra.

OpalCat, thanks a lot…I hope I don’t offend anyone < giggle >

I am surprized I didn’t pee my pants while creating this one…I was laughing so damn hard the dog was looking at me funny.

Opal…once again you rock! Love what you have done.

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!