Creepy, creepier, creepiest

Creepy: An 11 year old girl woke up to find a strange man sitting on her bed. The family wisely fled the house and called the police.
Creepier: When the police arrived, they found the man in the girl’s bed, under the covers, with his pants off.
Creepiest: He told the police that he had been raped.

And the pièce de résistance, check out his mug shot.

Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

It seems pretty likely from the description that the perpetrator probably has some serious unmedicated mental illness problems rather than being a predator sex offender given that (from what is reported in the article) he doesn’t seem to have actually attacked the girl (although waking up with a strange person in your room can be a frightening experience as I can attest to). Here is hoping he gets a real psych eval and treatment rather than just being thrown in prison for a few years and released back onto the streets further traumatized and neglected until he actually hurts himself or someone else.


Schizophrenia’s a bitch.

Growling during his hearing was a nice touch.

Jared Enix is a cool name. Sounds like the protagonist of a sci fi novel.

It seems pretty likely from the description that the perpetrator probably has some serious unmedicated mental illness problems rather than being a predator sex offender given that (from what is reported in the article) he doesn’t seem to have actually attacked the girl (although waking up with a strange person in your room can be a frightening experience as I can attest to). Here is hoping he gets a real psych eval and treatment rather than just being thrown in prison for a few years and released back onto the streets further traumatized and neglected until he actually hurts himself or someone else.


Schizophrenia’s a bitch.

I thought it was Alzheimer’s where you repeat yourself; schizophrenia, too? :wink:

Sad to see Dane Cook has fallen on such hard times. :frowning:

Say it again,Sam.

Stranger’s post did it too. Strange.

I have no idea how that happened but I doubt it is anything as benign as memory loss.

If only Dane Cook had the excuse of mental illness for being an unfunny, joke-stealing hack. Instead, he’s just a bad comedian and apparently kind of a dick in real life. One or the other of those would be excusable among comedians, but not both in combination with the joke theft.


What about the mug shot? The poor man looks confused and scared. What do you expect? He’d just been raped. :dubious:

And I’ll bet nobody believes him.

How does what the dude did, regardless of his competency, only amount to misdemeanor trespassing?

Probably because the situation is sufficiently weird that it never occurred to any lawmaker to create a law that would have covered it.

Okay, I read that too fast and thought it said that the police found him hiding under the bed.

But wouldn’t he have to break&enter at least? Misdemeanor trespassing sounds like someone still on park property after sunset.

A few months ago a friend of mine was brutally attacked by a homeless guy in a park in San Francisco. She was jogging and apparently he felt she got into his “territory”. He screamed at her, beat her to the ground, kept beating her, then dragged her by her hair to the edge of a bridge. She was sure he was going to kill her and throw her in the water. Then for some reason he broke off the attack and ran away. Miraculously, a bystander witnessed this, ran after the guy, apprehended him and held him until police arrived.

He was charged with misdemeanor assault. Why? She believes that because SF has had a lot of bad press about their homeless situation lately, and don’t want to scare away visitors, they don’t want a felony assault by a homeless person on the record. I dunno if that’s true, and I doubt it’s in any way relevant to the charge against Enix, but it hadn’t really occurred to me before that there might be external, political reasons for choosing a charge.