After having a couple of discussions about it in recent days, and after witnessing it yet again on Friday (first four pictures), I really want to ask what the deal is, and what it’s like in other cities.
San Francisco is often considered the most bike-friendly city behind Portland, OR. Bike lanes all over, campaigns to draw drivers’ attention to bikes, etc. Not to say that cycling is all cotton candy and rainbows, but if only by the sheer number of people who bike here despite the hills, I think we, as a city, do a pretty good job.
Critcal Mass, at least in SF, is a big movement of cyclists who basically take over the streets on the last Friday of every month. This is not an official event, there are no police escorts (quite the opposite), and it is not endorsed (nor condemned) by the SF Bicycle Coalition. A couple hundred cyclists will storm down Market Street- the city’s main commercial & public transit thoroughfare- and just plug up traffic at their whim. I’ve been lucky enough to avoid their traps, but I’ve witnessed them several times. They’ll just stop at Market & Church or Market & Castro and just hang out, blasting music, and not let any non-bicycle vehicle get through for five or ten minutes, or I guess however long it takes those trapped to learn their lesson.
I’d like to think that this is a good cause, and that this is a useful bit of civil disobedience, but what really pissed me off was this trapped J Church streetcar, visible to the right. Those people are not burning oil, they’re not cutting off bikes, they’re not doing a goddamned thing but trying to get home on a Friday night, via the most unobtrusive, unselfish way readily available. Not that the drivers deserve to be trapped either, but that I could at least understand.
Now, I like cyclists in this City. They don’t burn oil, they don’t cause gridlock, and they don’t take up parking spaces. Plus, they stay in fantastic shape, and they know the city better than anyone else. I truly admire them, and if I can shed some weight, I’d like to be one of them. I give them a wide berth, I change lanes to pass them or stay well behind them, despite the lower speed. The point of all this being that I don’t have anything against cyclists in general.
Which is why Critical Mass pisses me off so much. It’s supposedly a protest to increase drivers’ awareness of bikes. Which, I grant, it does, and the cyclists deserve it, if not more. But is this really the way? “We want drivers to give us the respect we deserve, and we want them to realize how dangerous cycling is in the city. So we’ll take over the streets, evading police individually but holding our ground as a group, trap people as long as we want for no reason on a Friday night, and harass drivers simply for being on the busiest street in the city.” I don’t buy that it’s a protest, not anymore. At this point, it’s just an excuse for assholes to be assholes.
Can anyone defend this? Is this what it’s like in other cities?