Critique This [re: Gospels]

I won’t absolutely swear to this, but I think that JPL planning for a Mars mission does not take in to account the gravitational distortion of Uranus and Neptune. They’re simply too far away to matter.

If I’m wrong, I will very much thank whoever it is that corrects me.

Obviously, this does not mean that Nibiru exists! There are too many other flaws in the theory!

Yes, just like that.


So…Nibaru brought down the Twin Towers?! :eek: It’s all tied together…

“Scientific” minds read many books and realize they truly understand less with each increase in knowledge.
“Religious” minds read one or two books and act with absolute certainty based on what little knowledge they have gained.

Or, they DID take “Nibru” into account, and didn’t tell the rest of us because they’re hoarding that knowledge!

Sure, if you believe “them” about this toy actually gong to Mars. Smoke and circuses, my friend, bread and mirrors, the emperor has no spaceships.

What are you talking about? What is it in the time-lapse video that you think we should find strange? It looked quite ordinary to me.

Chappy, why is it that you ignored my questions to you in your previous thread?

Sorry I haven’t responded earlier, I have to work. How in hell someone brings the events of 9/11 into this discussion is beyond me. This is the kind of crap that is misinformation. Everyone pays attention to this BS and not the subject at hand. Works nearly every time. Seriously, how many here have actually watched the two video’s I posted? Based on the responses so far, no one has. If you haven’t your comments mean nothing. If you choose not to watch and still continue to berate the messinger, then your motives are suspect. If you watch them and disagree with the evidence, this is the opportunity to discredit the information based on sound evidence that it is a lie. If you continue to listen to approved sources only, you’re going to get what the approvers want you to see and hear. In the 1950’s government, main stream science as well as industry blatently told the public that DDT and other pesticides were completely safe and that the troublemakers railing against it were uneducated and ignorant. Who ended up with egg on their face? Was it the conspiracy theorists and the troublemakers or the Phd’s, “scientists”, industry and their government lap dogs? No one thinks the government and news media is biased in the US? Just spend 1 hour watching Al Jazeera and you’ll get the picture.
The question this thread raises is this. Our planet and our economy are in shambles. We have increasing, but not yet universal evidence that there is a disaster of biblical proportions on our doorstep. If it happens to not be the 10th planet, it’ll be climate change, starvation, war and disease… The weather is going to hell and people are dying in the millions due to war and famine. Either we do something about it or we wait on a savior of some type. It’s not going to fix itself. I wanted input from the community on what they think can and should be done or if some of you feel we should all just say to hell with it and enjoy it while we can.
The worst thing that can happen to me is I’ll get egg on my face and have information banned from this board again… On the other hand, if the evidence holds true perhaps I’ll help save a few lives.


Pascal wouldn’t be proud.

As to your other points, people bring 9/11 into it because there are lots of wacky conspiracy theories about that too. And no one can be arsed to watch your videos because we already know that anything mentioning Nibiru is a load of crap. And we know this because Neil DeGrasse Tyson told us this, and he’s the coolest astrophysicist out there so he must be right.

You mentioned 9/11 in your opening post. That seems like a good reason to mention it in response to you.

You mentioned it yourself, in your opening post in this thread.

Yes. Clouds, rain, clouds, sunshine. clouds, piano music. What the fuck am I supposed to be seeing in that one?


A couple of people beat me to it, but I suggest you have a word with this guy:

Your information has not been “banned.” You were told this:

And that remains true. If you don’t want to do anything except ramble and demand people watch videos while refusing to support your claims with facts, this thread and others like it will also be closed.

Ignoring the astronomy stuff, my take on Revelations is this: Jesus isn’t going to return to save the planet until absolutely all other hope is lost. When barring a miracle from Heaven either human life would become extinct or we’d be the Antichrist’s soul-slaves forever; think Sauron with the One Ring or Darkseid with the Antilife Equation. When things have gotten so bad that Jesus is going to have to put the planet under the spiritual equivalent of martial law, and prevent Satan from intervening by sheer force. The Millenium isn’t going to be paradise, more like all of humanity is going to be on the toughest of tough-love probations.

The normal tilt of the Earth producing an analemma sequence. From the (Northern) Winter Solstice until the (Northern) Summer Solstice, the sun appears to rise farther to the North every day of the year. For the next six months, it appears to rise farther to the South each day. It has been going on for millennia. Geographers even have an image of an analemma that they print on globes. It is hardly new and it has been explained for centuries.

This is the sort of nonsense in which your first video engages. Things happen. Some of them are odd; some of them are simply new to people who never bothered to notice they have been around forever. To take a bunch of film and video clips documenting this sort of thing and then pretend that they are all “new” and a sign of big events coming our way is merely a combination of ignorance, naïveté, and wishful thinking on the part of people who need to think that they are part of some great “secret.”

There is nothing on your first video that I have not seen reported dozens, (sometimes hundreds) of times over the last 60 years. Putting it all together in a package without actually looking for explanations is nothing more than scare tactics. I think the kid had a nice message that his age group should not spend all their time partying and getting high, (although some partying is fine and I know few kids who do nothing else), but tacking that message to a silly sequence of meaningless video clips harms his message more than it helps.

Without a lot of effort, I can find evidence of far worse solar flares, earthquakes, animal deaths and odd animal behaviors goinfg back years.
The clips are silly and anyone who embraces them has to turn off their curiosity and education to do so.

The last poster who submitted nonsense about Nobiru at least quoted the source article–the article that had so many historical errors in it that I could not finish reading it for laughing. (The Sumerians called it the “twelfth planet,” ri-i-i-i-i-i-ight.)

Put forth some serious things to discuss–and then support your contentions–or, as Marley noted, you will not be censored, but we will shut this down as a waste of our time to monitor it.

Don’t get discouraged. Hey, free omelets.

Andy, lil’nemo mentioned extraterrestrials in his last post. Does that mean he is one?

No - it means that he doesn’t get to be surprised when other people mention extraterristrials when replying to him…

So, I suppose everyone watching the Clouds, Sunshine, Clouds video only sees clouds. Did you bother to look at the changing position of the sun and stars on a daily basis? If you did, you’re either blind, know nothing of celestial mechanics or you don’t give a damn…