Cross your fingers... my house might actually sell!

I am the Bane of Home Sales. I’ve owned 2 houses, and have yet to sell either of them. The first I got rid of via divorcing my husband; he decided he wanted it. The one I’m in now has been on the market since late September. I happen to like Mr. Athena, and don’t want to divorce him to get rid of this one.

The neighborhood I’m in used to be a hot market. My next door neighbors sold their house last August in 9 days. We’re talking full price offers and 60 days from first putting it on the market to closing type things. Of course, when I put my house on the market, it languishes for months. At first, we were saying “it’s because of September 11th”. Then we told ourselves "It’ll pick up after the first of the year. " Then it was “When it gets to be warm and springlike, it’ll pick up.” Lately I’ve been telling myself that lots of people buy houses in the summer. Meanwhile, we’ve been dropping the price and rearranging things in the hopes it would show better. Of course, two weeks ago the #!#!@ roof started leaking, which is just peachy. But we’ll get it fixed, if Mr. Athena can get a roofer to call him back.

But today! There was a glimmer of hope today! We had a showing, and, since I work at home, I was home while they looked. They were here almost 25 minutes, and the woman was saying things like “We could put our chairs here… the end table would look good here…”

About an hour after they left, I got a call from my real estate agent. Seems that this was a second showing. The people are relocating to this area, and had our house and 2 others they were revisiting.

About 30 minute after talking to my agent, I stumble down the stairs in my pajamas with wet hair after taking a shower (ah, the joys of working from home - 3pm showers). I see a car pull up in the driveway. It’s them again! Run upstairs, put on real clothes. Come down, open the door, “Can we take another look?” SUUUURE! Be my guest! Can I get you a drink? Want me to cook you lunch? How 'bout sexual favors? Will that get you to buy this #!#!@ house?

They looked. While they were in the basement, their agent whispered to me “They LOVE this house!” and asked when we were wanting to move.

Cross your fingers, pray to the God of your choice, wish me luck… I GOTTA SELL THIS THING!

Second showing = good.

Fingers crossed for you!

PS - Not to rub your nose in it, we sold our house in 23 hours from being listed in Jan. Got full asking price. That’d suck to wait for several months.

::sending strong selling vibes Athena’s way::

I hate you.

I don’t even pay attention to second showings anymore. We’ve had so many it’s ridiculous (our house has been shown somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 times so far). But this is the first THIRD showing we’ve had, and the people seemed really excited about the house.

bernse, I can beat that. My in-laws wanted to sell their house last year. My wife had this idea that she would like to purchase the childhood home, so we told them “why don’t you wait until we see if we can qualify for a loan.” The day after we had a real estate agent come to our house to discuss the possibilities, we find out that they had already sold the house before it was even on the market! A real estate agent drove by, asked the in-laws if they knew of any houses for sale; my in-laws said “we’re thinking of selling”; real estate agent came back in a few days with some clients; and before you knew it the house was stolen from under our feet.

I hope this story will make Athena feel better. :wink:

Of course, it’s now Monday morning, and we haven’t heard a THING all weekend.


Well, of course they didn’t buy the thing. They bought another, much cheaper house instead. Seems that looking at this house was more wishful thinking than anything for them.


This house thing is really starting to get to me. WTF? Eight months? A year ago this neighborhood was HOT. Today, it sucks. Or, at least, our house sucks.
