On a recent crossword puzzle, I solved all of the words, but there is one I still don’t understand. The clue is “Musical Group?” and I am pretty sure from the other words that the answer is “SAWS”. Can anyone explaing this?
It’s not a very good clue (she sniffed), but it’s accurate. It is, in fact, possible to play the saw as a musical instrument, by bending and contorting it and playing it with a bow. You probably have never seen this done if you’re not old enough to remember Ed Sullivan.
What are the intersecting words and clues?
Well, sure, there is such a thing as a musical saw, but what’s with the “group” part of the clue? I know the question mark means it’s a pun or some sort of joke, but the “group” thing doesn’t make any sense to me.
A group of saws, since it’s plural?
twickster’s right; it’s a lousy clue.
Hm. Maybe a “band” saw?
Is there a theme to the puzzle that might give us some context on this?
I’m guessing the letters you had were _A_S
How about CATS?
The musical is Cats by Andrew Lloyd Webber.
And the Group is Citizens for an Alternative Tax System.
You know, the more I think about this, the more convinced I become about the correctness of my theory. I think the only reason the “group” thing is in there is so they could accommodate the fact that it’s “saws”, plural. You know, “a group of musical things”.
It’s the kind of clue where, after I’d finished the puzzle, I’d scoff “whatever” to myself.
Is “saws” considered a musical group not unlike percussion, strings, woodwinds, brass?
If it’s not a group unto itself, what category does it fall under?
I can’t believe the OP would have leapt to the conclusion of “saws” based on just those two letters. But I also can’t believe that answer–and yes, I have seen and heard musical saws. The first thing that came to my mind was that perhaps it should be SATB (as in the standard abbreviation for choral music: soprano, alto, tenor, bass), but then the clue should be something like “Musical grp.” to indicate an abbreviation.
I thought I was the only crossword lover around. Okay I’m a little out of “crossword shape” but to me, it sounds like SAWS could work if it’s a questionable puzzle editor or just a good one having a bad day. Totally crap clue. What did you say the cross clues were?
The OP did claim to have solved all of the words. Under that set of circs, “SAWS” is the correct answer, and the pun was correctly spotted by LindyHopper.
I imagine the designer’s thought process went something like this:
“OK, I’ve got saws here. What kind of clue can I come up with that doesn’t make it obvious? Hmm…saws…saws…well, there are musical saws. So saws could mean a group of musical instruments. Ooh! Pun clue! Musical group?! Gad, I’m clever! How do I do it?”
Could it be SATB (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass)?
OK. I am the original poster. Thanks all for the comments.
The crossword puzzle was the Washington Post Sunday puzzle and the answers just came out today. SAWS is correct.
The clue was exactly as I wrote. There was a question mark but no abbreviations. I think the logic of saws being used as a musical instrument is correct. That did occur to me at the time, but I don’t really like the clue. Someone mentioned CATS. I considered that one as well but it just did not fit. It is a better answer, though.
That’s a bad clue.
The question mark indicates irony or word-play of some type. Although I appreciate that a saw can be an ersatz musical instrument, what is witty about that? These type of clues should elicit a groan or chuckle when the answer is given, not “HUH?”.
Here’s one I’m working on:
The clue for the word stating with “A” is “dumbfounded”, which I think is AGOG
Which would make that last 3 letter down clue “GPA” (Diploma Datum abbr)
But then what the heck is ASK??A (Inquisitive).
The across clues are:
Fits like matryoshka dolls (NESTS)
The down clues are:
Hotel plan (EUROPEAN)
Work with (USE?)
Uses anothers password, maybe (HACKS)
Teensiest part
Sea flock
Diploma datum (abbr)
If inquisitive is ASKING, diploma datum could be DEG
but still about the others.
EUCHRE and ASKING, I’ll bet.
OK, it has to be
Sorry to have bothered everyone.