Crosswords are freakin' hard!

…to create.

I just downloaded some free crossword software and spent two hours sweating over an extremely simple grid. Only 40 words, and it still came out awful.

[li]Even the free software comes with some pretty neat features. It allows you, for example, to click a word you have partially filled, and it gives you all possible one-word solutions for that row.[/li][li]It is really hard to resist the temptation to overuse acronyms.[/li][li]I think I’ve misused some crossword conventions. I’m never quite clear, for example, on when to end a clue with a question mark.[/li][li]It’s tough to have a consistent difficulty. Some of my clues are too obscure (foreign airport codes anybody?), some are too esoteric (chemistry questions?), some are too cute (19-down, if you’re interested). But at the same time, many others are total chip shots.[/li][li]I set up my grid for tons of 3-letter words. It’s too intimidating even to think of anything more complicated.[/li][li]We’ve got Dopers who do this for a LIVING???[/ul][/li]
Here it is as a pdf. Lemme know what you think: (warning: loud popups on hosting site)

Any other amateur crossword creators out there?

I thought the ?'s are for the main clues to the puzzle. The theme clues.


They’re usually for pun-type stuff. Which the theme clues often are, but not always. helped me a lot when I was trying to put together a puzzle. You can give it partial words (like “A–m-r-i-s” and it will tell you which words work fit what you have already. It was invaluable to me.

Let’s see what you got!
(I don’t really expect anyone do do mine, but I’d love to see what other amateur puzzle-makers can do. Here’s where I got my software. nudge nudge)