Not a big deal, but if you want to make packing out or out easier when on a picnic or outdoor outing or just to amuse yourself . You can stamp on the cans but this is more elegant. Make sure the cans are shaken empty because they will drip if not.
Grab each end firmly then quickly twist as you squeeze and push the ends together. Then interlace and lock your fingers together for the final crush press between your palms. The can will flatten very nicely. The initial twist is impt as it is what collapses the wall strength of the can.
This trick only requires moderate hand strength, the key is the leverage and the twist. If you are a woman this trick will be especially impressive to frighten and impress children and bothersome men.
Here’s a neat bottle trick- open beer bottles with your forearm. It has to be a twist-off cap. Push the cap firmly against your forearm midway between your wrist and elbow. Twist the bottle the appropriate direction. Your arm skin will grip the cap and let the bottle untwist from the cap. Doesn’t hurt at all if done right and looks impressive to certain types of people.
Just for shits and giggles years ago, arguing the strength of columns and cylinders…
We put 100lbs of bar bell weights on an empty beer can, it held it.
Tap the side and it all came crushing down. Tiniest dent on the can and it wouldn’t hold anything, I have a picture somewhere.
Alternatively if you are going to be a dumb ass and crush a can on your head to
to impress a 14 year old girl, as the can is approaching your head, put a small dent in it with your finger.