Cryptic overlaps

EDWARD? container (Edward Scissorhands?)

Yep. You’re up.

EDWARD (container)


Bad boy’s ten machines need overhauling (6, 3, 6)

That’s very good you know. But, in keeping with my disinclination to volley, I’ll hold off until someone else gets a chance.

DENNIS THE MENACE (ten machines need anagram)

Czech raves “A provocative civil rights activist!” (5, 6)

CESAR CHAVEZ (anagram of “Czech raves A”)

Prophet speaks of undemanding founder. (7)

Prophet speaks of undemanding founder. (7)

EZEKIEL ( “easy keel”)


Acrobatic girl can leap the enormous vegetable bulbs. (8, 6)

ELPHANT GARLIC (“girl can leap the” anagram)

I see one hundred famous guitarist spikes. (7)

Icicles (charades: I + see + 1 + C + Les)


Spread mustard effusively and ruin appetizer (6)


Spread mustard effusively and ruin appetizer (5)

SMEAR (first letters of words)?


Regarding a French night as painted Impressionistically (6)

Renoir (RE + noir)

Assuming that’s correct:

Avoid walking on the muddled edge of dimmer outer areas (7)

Renoir is correct.

Need a hint.

Avoid walking = solution key

muddled = puzzle key

edge of dimmer outer = puzzle words

Avoid walking = solution key (as in, don’t go that way)

muddled = puzzle key = anagram

edge of dimmer outer = puzzle words