Cryptoderk has been banned

Cryptoderk has now been banned. He had been suspended for 30 days on April 26, 2007, after repeated warnings. He’s been back for two weeks and has had two more warnings.

We do our best to be tolerant of a wide range of behaviors and opinions, but when someone crosses the line and is warned (repeatedly), they really need to learn to adapt, or to find some other Message Boards where they (and we) will be happier.

Our policy is to announce such bannings, but we prefer not to have much discussion about it, since Cryptoderk can’t respond or participate. It’s kinda bad form to talk about someone when they can’t join the conversation.

I wanted to add a note: he has been trying to sneak back in under a few new screen names, which dispells any reasonable doubt about “innocence.” A person who really thinks themselves innocent of wrongdoing, who finds themselves banned, would email mods to plead a case. Once they’ve tried to sneak back in, using aliases, they’ve violated a bunch more rules and we have no sympathy whatsoever.