Cubicle Games

Today is my last day of my internship before I go back to classes, so I thought I’d start up a thread about fun ways to pass the time in a cubicle. I’m excluding the obvious ones like making personal phone calls, playing computer games, or posting on the Straight Dope Message Board.

Here is a game I came up with just yesterday (so sadly I only got to play it for about a day):

First, you need one of these sticky hands. I guess you could buy some off the net, I just picked mine up for a quarter in one of those cheap toy dispensers at the front of a grocery store.

Then you need some post-its (I trust if you’re in a cubicle, you’re not far from a pad of post-its) and something to write with. Start drawing bulls-eye targets (or anything you want) on the post-its and stick them on various surfaces on the inside of your cubicle.

Once you have your targets set up, sit in your chair and start whipping the sticky hand (you heard me :eek: ) out at the post-it targets. A direct hit will snag the post-it and pull it off the surface. Time yourself to see how long it takes to get all the targets!

You can even do some fun trick shots like placing the post-it targets on a surface facing away from you (like on the back of a monitor) and whipping the sticky hand so it wraps around the object and snags the post-it off the back! Between that little feat and catching pencils mid air with the sticky hand, I’ve impressed quite a few coworkers! (not my boss, though)

Anyone else have any fun little diversions that are suited to cubicle life? Anything aside from actually working, of course. :smiley:

Oops, I forgot to mention that I’ve paid my dues and I’m now a SDMB member! :smiley:

I see executive managemnt in your future.

With pushpins and an eraser, you can make a little pig!

Why do I get the feeling the same little Matt Groening LIFE IN HELL cartoon flashed through our minds, Lou?

At work yesterday, I figured it would be possible to play all 1,000,000 hands of Free Cell over the course of a 25 year career. But it would require playing a new hand every 12 minutes, so it would probably affect your job performance evaluations.