Er, is there something to debate here, B? People who say our flyers are being treated well mean “in comparison to being locked up in an oubliette full of rats and roaches, where they’re unable to either stand up or stretch out, except for the times they’re taken out and interrogated with rubber hoses and electric cattle prods, and being given nothing to eat but watery soup made out of rancid cow bones.”
I haven’t heard–do they have cable TV, where they’re at?
It’s true that commentators will talk any issue to death, but at least they are attempting to talk about Chinese culture; differences in philosophies of cultures exist,and it’s an important part to recognize in negotiations, especially, at this level of two power vying countries as China and America.
Not in all countries! (And since we are dealing with 2 different cultures here…, it is important to look at their far- eastern side of thinking as well.)
By law in Japan, even the guiltless person in an auto accident has to pay a minimum of 10% of the damages.(Eastern view: Everyone in some small or large way contributes to the accident, thus no one is %100 blameless.)
Could China, a part of this “Eastern Culture” of the face saving business, be thinking the same thing? That both parties should share the blame. President Jiang certainly is playing this card.
But still the U.S. should hold firm. An apology is not needed here! Most likely Pres. Jiang knows this too, but is counting on the new guy in office to fumble. Both sides can “win” if Bush stays strong, ignoring this ultimatum, but throughout, staying (grudgingly) polite.