Cutest baby ever? The votes are in...

Heh, for the longest time, that’s just how his hair naturally stood, right from the day he was born. Finally it’s starting droop down.

ETA: The “dog ears” though, are the result of a haircut attempt from his mother.

Gotta post some pics of my boy:

What darlings!

I’d say we have a clear winner in the 3-year-old category.

I must take the opportunity to post pics of the little ones. All the recent good ones are on facebook or not uploaded yet but here’s a couple from a few months ago.

Eric & Isabella Eric

The date stamp was not correct, those are April 2007.

These kids are all so beautiful.

Gosh, we are a reproductively-blessed bunch!

Why thank you so much fessie. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I agree (as a Grandma, I can say that, right?)
And to everyone here…WOW just WOW - that’s one bunch of cute little ones!

Lucky Dopers.

If a unicorn humped a Care Bear at a SleepyTime Rest Station, and then proceeded to puke a gummy rainbow into a fuzzy pink toilet full of flowers and kisses, it still wouldn’t be half as cute as all these pictures!

You can have the 3-year old boy crown. I think I’ve got the 3-year old girl. :slight_smile:

Wig & Puppy

My turn

My Halloween boy
on swing
Kickin ass & takin’ naps
more cuteness
Flanked by his minions

I’ll pick my trophy up later.

Man! Tough competition around here. Ok…gonna have to break out the big guns…

Take that! And that! Aaaaaaand that!!

Twinness comin’ atcha!

Here’s her.

And this is him.

I realized they were terribly backlit and squinting, but before I could get behind them to address those issues, they’d already started punching each other.

doggone cellphone – if only I hadn’t dropped our digital camera!

Here is the undisputed winner of the 21.5 month old category!

(She is cuddling her favourite lovey - a little baby goat, with a baby facecloth for a blanket). :slight_smile:

I’m just not wired to squee over babies/children, but I have to comment on this picture, Their eyes are simply stunning!

A late but strong contender… my adorable nephew.

(And a kitten! Take that!)

4 month category winner comin’ atcha!

This is also irredeemably cute!

More pics here of my darling daughter!!!

Just leave the trophies and prize-money at the front desk. I’ll pick 'em up later!!! :smiley:

I’ll let my 3 month old nephew express his opinion of all these cuteness wannabes. :smiley:

hahah! if I could bronze that and make it into a trophy I would.


Ok, got this thread won hands-down. Far and away, the cutest baby pic ever.

Oh, sorry, did I say “cutest”? I obviously meant “most psychotic”. Either way, hand over the trophy and I won’t have to sic her on anyone. :smiley:

I oughta charge you to see these.

I wish I had some online from when she had the helmet.

Yikes!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: