*Can we quit with the overuse of obscure acronyms?
May I offer this little suggestion? If your acronym is not something that at least 70% of the general population would get, just type the damn words out. Today, there was FN/DPP in elections. Apparently, this stands for (French) National Front and Danish People’s Party. So we spent a few replies guessing what the fuck that was, and someone told us. This was in a thread about US politics, and was the first mention of the groups.
Recently I saw ISOTGW. Wanna guess? “I’m sick of this Global Warming.” Yes, because that’s common usage.
I’m sure I could dig up more, but I cannot be bothered.
How will I know if an acronym hits the 70% threshold? Is rounding up from, say, 66% acceptable on certain occasions? You say general population-- is that from the United States? North America? Euro-America? Chicago? Or is this an international standard? Finally, are we including children in the polling?
United States, 'cause obviously the rest of the world doesn’t matter. You should round down, and children and seniors are to be included, which you will note will effectively raise the threshold to LOL and, maybe, IDK.