And since you are apparently unwilling to provide a substantive answer via PM, I’ll just reprise our exchange here:
You replied thusly:
To which I responded:
Said reply being sent about 4 hours ago, during which time you have made several posts to different threads, so clearly you were aware of the inquiry.
Now we have two issues to discuss:
1: Would you please provide a substantive response to the questions I raised in my initial PM?
Do you think it is appropriate for a moderator to respond to a polite inquiry in this manner, ignore the fact that the post was reported long before the PM was sent, and then refuse to respond at all on the merits of the questions I raised?
Excuse me for having a life-I was at work, and managed to do a few spot checks during a break.
May I have your permission to do some laundry and grab a bite to eat before I take a looksee at whatever problem it is that needs your immediate attention?
Last time I looked, GD and IMHO were entirely different forums with entirely different tones and entirely different expectations of posters. I could, I suppose, not be caught up on the news.
This is part of my point. If anything, GD allows for harsher discussion than IMHO does. I mocked D-T’s post with vigor, violating no rules of that forum, drawing Czarcasm’s modly intervention. I then reported a similarly harsh post in a milder forum, and no action was taken other than moving the thread to GD. I then contacted the mod involved privately and politely, to request an explanation. Said explanation was that I should have reported the offending post, which leaves me confused, as I’d already done that, and Czarcasm, as a moderator of IMHO, would have access to that report.
I see the problem here. In my initial response to your post, you mistook my snarky comment about your silly overreaction as some sort of Moderator action.
It wasn’t.
Sheezus, Oakminster. What’s your problem? You’ve been here long enough to realize that the rules don’t apply to Der Trihs. He can get away with the type of hateful content-free vitriol you cite—and much worse—because, well…well, just BECAUSE. Because that’s what he does all the time maybe. There was a thread exploring this unfortunate phenomenon a month or so ago. Of course the mods immediately saw the error of their ways, apologized to everyone, and Warned Der Trihs. So, I’m shocked to hear something like this happened again. SHOCKED, I tell you.
So despite your use of term moderator, you being a moderator, and offering to move my post, which is something only a mod or admin can do, you were not actually moderating?
OK. Why then, didn’t you choose to “not-moderate” D-T in equal snarkitude, for similar hyperbole in IMHO?
Why did you respond to my PM with “report the post”, when I’d already done so?
Why are you so hostile when approached reasonably and politely with legitimate questions?
No, you may not. While a response may or may not come(People who say “Jump!” at me tend to be disappointed at my reaction-fancy that), whether or not it is “reasonable” will not be decided by you. I’m not ignorant enough to fall for that little trap, where I give you an answer, you deem it “not responsible” and then claim I broke some sort of implied promise.
And since this is turning into yet another back-door “Evil Der Trihs” thread(Who didn’t see that one coming, folks!), I’m going to bow out and let y’all have at it.
All ribbing aside, Czarcasm, I don’t get why you’re so intent on not giving Oakminster a proper answer. It’s coming off as quite odd and not what I’d expect from you. Maybe you two have some history, though…
Listen, you little wiseacre: I’m smart; you’re dumb; I’m big, you’re little; I’m right, you’re wrong, and there’s nothing you can do about it. </Harry Wormwood>
Does it have to be proper, reasonable, or both, and who gets to decide these vital matters, hmm? Oakminster? magellan01? Czarcasm?
An impartial third party?