D & D on the Straight Dope setup thread. (In Middle Earth FA63)

Ammo is played very different in 5e. So most of the magic bolts and arrows are gone and most are back to 1 use. Also as part of downgrading the characters back to 5th I had to remove some items or weaken them.
Additionally 1e +2 items are generally treated as +1 in 5e. +3-4 are +2 and +5 is only +3.

I treated Gwaelur as basically a Mountain Dwarf. This is partly to help explain you ridiculous physical stats. :grinning:


I’m excited. Been reading a lot of D&D prep stuff.

I missed this, sorry.

You can absolutely take Tinker or see what gdave posted:

I’ll find and send the old character. I have 2 emails for you, I’ll try both.

Question which occured to me as I perused the rules. Am I of sufficient level/qualifications to get a familiar?

The basic familiar, absolutely.
You gain the service of a familiar, a spirit that takes an animal form you choose: bat, cat, crab, frog (toad), hawk, lizard, octopus, owl, poisonous snake, fish (quipper), rat, raven, sea horse, spider, or weasel. Appearing in an unoccupied space within range, the familiar has the statistics of the chosen form, though it is a celestial, fey, or fiend (your choice) instead of a beast.

Reminder for the spell casters:
Cantrips are unlimited in use. One per round if you want.

You have a set number of memorized spells and then spell slots.
At 5th with a wisdom of 20, Gilraen (Cleric) gets 10 spells and spells slots of 4/3/2.
Between a Druid, a Healer & a Paladin this party will have incredible healing capacity.

Then there are Ritual Spells. If a spell is marked as a Ritual, you can spend an extra 10 minutes to cast it and not expend a spell slot. You do need to have these memorized though except for those with the Ritual Spell Feat. They use a book and thus don’t need to have the spells memorized.
Wizards can also cast any ritual spell they know directly from the spell book.

You can change out spells after a long rest; but not Cantrips. More on this later.

Many spells require Concentration, I’ve tried to mark those with a ©. You can only concentrate on one spell at a time. If you take damage, a Constitution Save is made where the DC is 10 or half the damage you took. You make a save for each hit. There are feats and specials and magic items that help with this.

You have to have Concentration, eh?

I’m definitely in favor of Constitution Saves.

With Glee’s permission, a Q&A between us.

  1. Does my language of ‘Animals’ mean I can speak to any animal? (Or do I need to pick one?)
    Just all animals, simple and powerful

  2. How do I use my Herbalism kit to create Antitoxin or Potions of Healing?

*Basically it just becomes a skill roll for the antitoxin. In fact, you and Gilraen working together means one is aiding the other and thus the skill role is made with advantage. So instead of a single d20 roll, you would roll 2 d20 taking the higher. It is a wisdom check and goes against the dc of poison. So a tough poison might take a dc15 to remove the poisoned effect, You would be +8 to remove it.So on 2d20 just need a 7. *

I honestly would need to look into crafting healing potions, I’m not sure it really works that way in 5e. Looks like basic heals can be crafted for about 25gp.

  1. How often can I create poisons using my Poisoner kit?

We’ll probably assume that as you travel and especially during any downtime, you’re crafting your paralysis poisons. Crafting other poisons will fall under the vague crafting rules.

  1. Druidcraft cantrip means I can e.g. Predict Weather or snuff a fire up to the size of small campfire, correct?

Correct, but also make a flower bloom ro light a small fire and some minor special effects.Cantrips have effectively unlimited use. You could technically use 1 per round.

  1. Do I need to select my spells at the start of the day, or can I just use up the slots on any spell I know?

If I have to select, can I choose the same one more than once?

You have a list of memorized spells (10) and then use your spell slots to cast them (4 1sts, 3 2nds & 2 3rds). Some spells also have upcast options. for instance, if you cast Cure Wounds with a 2nd level slot you cure 2d8+5 instead of 1d8+5 with a 1st. So you could technically cast Cure wounds 9 times.

  1. There seems to be some controversy over Healing Spirit on t’Internet. :wink: Can I a) stick it behind our front line and cure d6 / friend each round? b) use it after combat to heal every friend each round?

    Healing Spirit is a terribly broken spell in the game. The common fix and the one I use is it heals a d6 each round to whoever you designate. So Thoroncir gets a d6 in round 1, Ceol in round 2, Fang in round 3. Thoroncir in round 4, etc.

  2. Can Unicorn Spirit Totem work with Healing Spirit? I can summon it, then can only summon it again after resting, correct?

It is only once per rest and you can use it with Healing Spirit but the healing effect of Unicorn Spirit only happens on the round you cast Healing Spirit.

  1. With Conjure Animals I can get 2 Spirits of Giant Eagles or Brown Bears for 1 hour (or until slain), correct?

Would the Eagles be able to join in (from above) a combat between one of our Fighters and an opponent?

Correct on both parts. It is a really nice spell in 5th edition. One of the most powerful ones. Keep in mind a great one to summon is 8 Wolves. They get pack tactics and so hit well above their CR (challenge rating).They can really distract opponents from your friends with their numbers.

  1. Is Water Breathing my only Ritual Spell? If I spend 10 minutes extra casting, does that mean I can cast it again?

    Correct, Ritual Spells are great for that reason. There are other Ritual Spells you could memorize instead. There are 12 in all for a Druid of your level.

  2. A Healer’s Kit has 10 uses, correct? Does Healer’s Kit 7 mean I have 7 left? Players dropping below 0hp are moved to 0hp (and make death saves) - that’s when the kit is used, correct? Can I make or buy more?

Healer Kits are fairly inexpensive. Each kit gives 10 uses like you noted, so you have 70 uses currently.

  1. For Barkskin to help a player, what sort of Armour could he be wearing? Does the spell work with any armour? (It looks like the spell effectively gives Chain Mail, correct?)

Barkskin just gives a base 16ac, so it is of no use if for someone wearing chain mail or better armour.

  1. Goodberry gives d10, correct?

It is just 10 berries in 5e. Simple and potent.

  1. I can produce a circular Wall of Thorns (6 charges on Rod) on a group of enemies up to 120 feet away and make them all take 7d8 (save for half), correct?

This looks correct, I read it the same way. I haven’t actually seen this one in action yet.

What is the maximum ability scores, again? I was assuming the old-fashioned 18 limit [3D6]. If it’s 20 now, permission to redo my stats [tho I am mostly happy with them as it is]

20s are allowed. I expect an Int of 20, but you probably shouldn’t have 2 20s without a good reason.

So just an observation:

Gwaelur is the party’s brick or tank. Hard to hit and will dish out a lot of punishment.

Thoroncir will attract attacks and should be able to take. Cavaliers in fact are designed to protect others. He is also an Inspiring Leader so will give the party Temp Hit Points above their normal hit points.

Ceol is a Paladin so should again be able to give and take damage and of course adds some healing. Eventually he’ll support all the fighters around him with his Paladin Aura.

Bitur will probably be the next brickiest but probably won’t dish out Gwaelur’s damage. But he’ll be the skillster in the party too.

Then we have a lot of healing. Gilraen & Ghân-buri-Ghân have the ability to keep this party fighting far longer than it should. Gilraen’s combat is strictly against Undead or Sleeping creatures. Ghân will also be able to add in fighting support via animal summoning and of course Entangles & Faerie Fire are great support spells.

We’ll see what the Mage adds, but typically it is a few big bangs (like fireball) and a lot of ranged support.

For a party of 7 5th levels you are up to a good variety of challenges. Though not a stealthy group. Keep in mind though that Ghân has the ability to cast Pass without trace which gives the party +10 on stealth roles. So even an unstealthy Dwarf won’t be too bad with a little care.

The way Gwaelur translated, I’m imagining him as sort of a dwarven John Wick. He will do a lot of close range butt kicking.

Does this site match the official rules (specifically the linked spell list there)? Of the 3 sites listed upthread, one won’t function in my antiquated Vista build [I will likely get a new machine for Christmas], and the other demands $29.99 if I click on any spells or skills or such.

I sent you a message with some details on spells. How much 5e do you know? I’m not sure if I’m over-explaining.

Timing in 5e. How long is a combat round? What are my spell casting times?

A combat round is actually only 6 seconds. So 10 rounds or turns per minute.

Casting time is generally an action (part of 6 seconds) unless otherwise stated. A few are reactions or even Bonus actions. For a Mage type, the Shield Spell is a must have Reaction spell.

Turn and round have become interchangeable terms somewhere along the way from 1e to 5e.

@glee; @NAF1138; @kenobi_65; @Hoopy_Frood; @John_DiFool; @Elendil_s_Heir

So 8 years ago a quest was left incomplete. I’m thinking we abandon it and I start fresh. So most of the older characters history is intact but not all of it.

Does that sound reasonable?

That works for me!

Sounds good to me as well.

Me also.

No problem at all!