I see this every once in a while, and it’s been a teeth-gritter for a year or so.
I lie in bed and think about what the fruck it might be.
Could ::d&r:: = Drivel & Rectum, Attorneys at law? And so forth.
I’m exhausted with this thingie, so someone pity me and TELL me!
Ducking and running
Thank you EVILBETH!
I knew it would be a forehead slapper.
Now, why is it we drive on a parkway…
Rick, you might want to hide for that one (d,r&h).
I tend to grin first, ::g,d&r::
Have a salami sandwich with it
::hass, D&r::
duck and waddle, waddle)
and if ya type it wrong, ya end up with the dreaded inadvertant smiley.