I woke up this morning and tried to get out of bed. When I put my left foot down I felt pain. I hopped to the bathroom and putting my leg on the side of the Tub I saw blood on the bottom of the foot. I took my hand and I felt something hard sticking out of the foot.
I didn’t want to make to wake my parents because my mother has surgery on her foot today so I quickly got dressed flinching when my pants hit the piece sticking from my foot. I hopped to the stairs and called down them. I then opened the front door, hopped out and closed the door and locked it. I then crawled down the stairs and gingerly walked across the grass using the front of my left foot.
I then drove to the hospital and parked in the parking garage for emergency. I was lucky to get a spot near the elevator. I hopped to the elevator and went into the hospital. I walked on the front of the foor to the desk and told the admitting person my problem. She called someone over to take me to a triage room.
I waiting in a bed for a DR to come over. He wanted them to X-ray the foot to see if there was any glass he couldn’t see. It didn’t make sense to me because X-Rays don’t show glass too well but I went, the X-Ray tech wasn’t sure if it would show either but she took the X-rays. Then I was brought back to the room I was in before.
After the DR. Saw the X-Rays he came over to pull out the glass. He have me an injection to numb the area but the injection hurt more than him doing it without numbing would have hurt. I was in a lot of pain from the needle it was long The DR. needed an assistant to pull the skin apart to relive some pressure so he was able to get it out.
After it was pulled he had me X-rayed again to see if there was anything left. The X-ray was clear. I was then given a prescription for Augmetin because they see I have an infection.
I have no idea how the glass or whatever it was I stepped on came from. On Friday I have to go to my DR’s for a followup. I can’t wait to get the bills for all this.