For about a week, I’ve been tearing up at the drop of a hat.
The Sept. 11 stuff was the worst. I don’t mean to say that it isn’t tragic stuff, but while I was definitely affected by the coverage last year, I didn’t have the urge to cry over it. This year I’d be driving along listening to a widow talking about how her husband called her from the plane and I had to bite my lip to keep from actually crying, right there in traffic.
A few days ago, I was about to cry in my car in the parking lot because I’d just gotten out of an exercise class and I’d had a miserable time until I told myself that I was being a big baby, and was obviously just having a bout hormonal irrationality, and I pulled myself together and drove home.
I’m gonna have to sit down and watch The Diary of Anne Frank or read Where the Red Fern Grows or something and have a good long cry and get this out of my system. Otherwise I’m likely to break down at some inappropriate moment. Nothing’s wrong with my life right now (or I would have had a good long bawl for sure.) I’m just busy and slightly stressed out (but more-or-less stressed out in a good way, I think.)
I’m glad I’m not alone. I’ve been really emotional this week, for no good reason. The last time I was this emotional, I was pregnant - but that is definitely the case now. I think it’s work stress, the changing of the seasons, and just everything building up at once.
I should watch “Homeward Bound.” That makes me bawl like a baby.
Oh, and sorry Podkayne 'bout your chemical imbalance or whatnot. If we’re recommending crying movies, the only one that get to me (and I’m a man’s man[sup]tm[/sup]) is in Forest Gump where Forest asks Jennay if his boy is smart.
Am I in the Twilight Zone? This thread is strange…or is it me?
Podkayne , when I need a good cry sometimes the best thing is for me to read poetry. Nothing fancy. I just get down the big book of *Best Loved American Poems * and bawl my eyes out. Barbara Frietchie for some reason always makes me cry. Just flip through the book and read at random.
Yeah, poetry. Sure-fired good cry. That’s what I’d do. Hope you are feeling better soon.