When's the last time you cried?

When’s the last time you cried? And why?

Saturday night one of the networks was showing “The Green Mile.” I’ve seen it before, although it was awhile ago. I only caught the last part of it, but it brought back the whole mood of the movie. When John Coffey was telling the warden not to fret about his execution, because he’s tired of living, I started to cry. By the end of it, I was bawling.

Oh, what a movie.

About an hour ago… combination of reasons. (Problems with a friend and a really nasty headache.)

Last night, for personal reasons. Maybe a day or two prior to that, during an episode of Six Feet Under (the Rico-Vanessa storyline really gets to me for some reason).

Prior to that – gosh. Probably over a year. Weird. I’m not generally the crying type.

Last night … floods of tears, major snots… half a box of tissues and a long talk with a good friend… I guess I’m grieving over my finished relationship. Its shit but as everyone tells me, time heals all wounds.

For Others
This morning while listening to the ages of the boys bludgeoned to death by their >insert series of expletives here< mother.

For Myself
I can’t remember. I don’t really cry about things that happen in my life because I see it as a sign of weakness.

It’s not very flattering, but it was a few weeks ago. I found out that my contract here was ending, and that someone I worked with on a different contract had been hired and then promoted to a position I coveted. I screamed and cried and tried to work it out of my system on the commute home, but I’m still a little bitter.

Friday, while listening to Mahler’s 9th.

Saturday, I got a little misty while listening to “Ripple” by the Grateful Dead, but I don’t count that as really crying.

In the last few days, while at the hospital.

About a week ago when the mother of the surviving child from this incident bought something off me on eBay.

The last time I cried was a few days ago watching a Montel show in which the guest were surviving horrible situations and betrayals from people they loved. It was very sad and I just wanted to give them a biiiiiiiigggg hug :smiley:

Sissy as I am, a couple of minutes ago, while listening to Eva Cassidy’s “Fields of Gold”

This morning. I was watching a video on Hiroshima in history class. Right around when they were showing the skeletons, I began to get that rush of blood in my face and began to dwell on the lives of those skeletons before their career as charred, fleshless skeletons. Then when the teacher made the remark that ‘those children were not our enemies’, the tears began to run. Did I ever mention that I have a great distaste for large numbers of people dying?

A couple of weeks ago when I was having a very stressful week - it was actually after I got some good news after some medical tests came back ok, but I was still stressed.

To the OP, how about you answer the question you’re asking us?

Last night, same thing as Honey. I’m losing my bf and don’t want to.

In fact, tears seems to be sneaking up on me several times a day lately.

Sunday morning, because my husband and I were fighting and I just can’t take the constant stress anymore. It has been a mess for a while, but that fight was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I carry our household but do not get any support or appreciation. He stays out all night at least once a week and generally is never there when my 3 year old son and I need him. I let him sleep in on Mother’s Day, assuming we would have a nice family breakfast when he woke up. He proceeded to make himself breakfast when he woke up 3 hours after we had gotten up, without even asking if the two of us were hungry, didn’t even remember it was Mother’s Day. Normally I don’t expect holidays like that to be a big deal, but with the total lack of support and appreciation in general, and the way he tried to make it sound like it was my fault and we were stupid for waiting for him, I just lost it. Otherwise, I have not cried in several months, maybe years… and the only one who tried to comfort me, curled up in the corner of the kitchen was the dog.

A little more than a week ago, when I learned my mom didn’t leave for Houston to go on a long vacation, but left my father and is most likely not coming back.

Today I wept. I hate it. I especially hate crying in front of my students. We had a special program today presented by SADD. After the video we started discussing the issue of drunk driving. I thought I would tell the class about one of my former students that graduated Magna cum laude two years ago. Right before her graduation from college her mother was killed by a drunk driver. I have talked about this before with my classes a couple of times when the issue came up. This time I just couldn’t get it out. I teared up after only three or four sentences. I thought I would pause for a few seconds and get through it. I felt so weak. I was not able to talk to them. After about a minute of total silence and awkward silence, I told them that I would have to tell this story on another day. The kids were uncomfortable. They finally started talking with one another and this was a big relief to me. One of my little thugs / “I wanna be a gangsta” kids came up and started making small talk with me. It was as if he wanted to divert my attention. I was thinking how sweet it was that he was being sweet. This made me get teared up again!!! What a day.

{{{To anyone who wants them}}}

I cried last Tuesday, in a very emotional response to finding out that my SO’s dad and his SO of 7 years were breaking up. I absolutely love my SOs family, and her and her parents, and I really don’t like that they are breaking up. It’s a friendly breakup - they just grew apart - so we might still see her, but still…I miss her already.

Last Friday morning. What? My dad was having bypass surgery!