I swear that it seems people’s common drops like a rock the second that they walk into a grocery store.
For starters:
Nine items means just that. Not ten, not 12. And guess what? Your 15 cans on cat food count as 15 items!
Checks for amount of purchase only. Sorry if you need cash, but we aren’t a bank, and have a limited supply of money for the day. Same goes for the people who want to cash a payroll check without a purchase, and for those who need change for the laundromat. I believe that there are change machines there!
Out of stock of a sale item. Gee, I wonder why? Maybe because everybody else and their uncle is coming in and buying the same item. And if the shelf is empty, then we are out. We are not hiding extra in our wherehouse for ourselves.
Forgot your ID at home? Then go back and get it ya friggin’ moron! On top of losing our liquor liscense, the individual employee can get in quite a bit of trouble for selling alcohol to a minor.
Look at the effing dates on the ads! We send them out early for you to plan your shopping ahead. I’m sure that if you got it the day of the sale you would still complain!
I don’t hear so much of these since my promotion, but I get to hear a whole new type of dumb comments:
Everyone is coming here to get food. Well no shit! I didn’t notice that. I did however notice that it is pushing 100 degrees over a holiday weekend. I guess I never put the two together!
Be careful when you’re slicing that. I can’t, too easy.
Typical conversation with customer:
Can I get (whatever)?
I"m sorry but the Deli is closed.
But I only need one thing.
Sorry, I close at ten.
Then why are you still here? (its 10:05)
Now what I’d like to say:
Mainly because slightly less moronic person decided to come in at 9:57 and fouled up my whole routine!
And I just can’t wait for the holidays to roll around again.
Why are we out of cranberry sauce? I’d guess because it’s Thanksgiving and we literally can’t keep enough in stock.
Upset about being turned away at 6:00 pm on Christmas Eve. Well, you should have planned ahead, and, believe it or not, we have families as well.
And I didn’t eve touch on the flat out abusive customers!