Damn, Guinistasia is smart as hell

All right. You wanna pull that kind of stuff, smart guy? How’s about a lower limit on age? Huh? Say, 30 or so?

[sub]Yeah, yeah, so I’m older than her by a few years. What’s your point?[/sub]

God, 'pun, there’s the slightest possibility we’re coming off as somewhat stalkerish here…

Then again, who’s more worthy of SDMB stalking?

Oh, and I’d just like to thank Phlip for starting this most worthy thread. Usually, when I’m flirting with someone on-line, it’s in a generalized flirt thread (for no one in particular), and when seriously challenged, I move on to someone who (although by no means less desirable) is more available at the time. This is really my first experience in competitive flirting. I’m sure I’m doing badly at it compared to the inestimable iampunha, but I’m hoping persistence counts for something.

Really, 'pun, I can keep this up for a long time. Although you, being a college student, can likely do the same. Do your worst! :stuck_out_tongue:

And (to post what I hope will be three consecutive posts to this thread), lest we forget who this thread is dedicated to in the midst of our petty rivalry:

Guinastasia, you are the very essence of the Steel Magnolia. Belive me, coming from one who grew up in the south (Oklahoma is so the south. Shut up!), this is a high compliment. You embody all that is strong, but still eminently desirable, in womankind. My hat is off to you, madam.

I await your pleasure, milady.

[sub]Not a stalker; not a stalker![/sub]

OK, but Genus IV sucks, and Genus I is just too easy, so it’ll have to be Genus II. (What the hell ever happened to Genus III, anyway?)

Besides, what’s wrong with Baby Boomer? It’s way harder than any of the Genus editions.

If you were really serious about this, you’d accept a challenge in the Silver Screen or RPM editions.

Bring it on!

Lamia-if I did, you’d be at the top of the list, chica.

Patrick, if we did it by post count, I’d end up with myself-so we’d be right back at the beginning.

lobley-same here-I’m not very good with praise at all. See all the

:o :o :o :o

Well, I kinda meant highest postcount of those of us currently “in the running” to “get” you.

Oh, and LxndxHxppxr, modesty prohibits me from linking to any of the poetry I’ve written.[sub]None of it about Guin, but some just as easily applyable at one point in time.[/sub] So :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve never had the chance to engage in a thread with Guinistaia, but from what I’m reading here, I’m looking forward to it. I took the liberty of looking at the People of the Straight Dope here: http://www.geocities.com/sdpeoplepages/guinastasia.html
and I must say, Guin (may I call you Guin?) that your claims of not having a life/boyfriend/etc are of the Methinkest Thou Protest Too Much variety. A very nice looking young lady, indeed! If I weren’t engaged, 30 years your elder…and ugly to boot…ah, well.
Enjoy the accolades, GUIN!! You have earned them!!!

posted in hopes of increasing my post count, however minimally

Hey, who brought poetry into this? :confused:

I’ll admit, I’m no poet. I cook a mean paella, though.

Oh yeah? Well … I can make ramen noodles!

Thank you, Toaster52! Hey, for the first time, I know what you look like. Very cool. Pity you’re not wearing Regency or Victorian, though…

Go on, marry one of them! :smiley:
Then Annaliese can help plan your wedding.:rolleyes:

Heheh…thanks. Although, that picture is over a year old. I AM wearing my Titanic Flying Shawl, but you can’t really see it.

Analiese, oh yes! I can walk down the aisle in a dress with mismatched hems and little blood drops where she pricked herself with the needle (the one girl who DID get dresses from her-the one who did her original site-had that on ALL of her gowns-drops of blood, mismatched seams, etc.)

And a necklace stolen from eBay!

Having met Guin in person at PitFest, I can assure you that she is much more attractive than that picture, which is hard to do. But some dopers are just speshul, goshdarnit.

(homer laugh) heee-heee-heee-heee-heee!!! :smiley:

I too now know what you look like, Guin :). I’m sure Annaelise would be happy to supply you with a nice regency gown, with one shoulder seam lower than the other. lets see… somthing old, somthing new, something stolen, something bloodstained…


No, no… that’s what you’d get if I made your dress… sigh. When I was basting the lining to the fabric of my wedding dress, my first act was to stab myself with the needle, and get blood on the centre front. Thankfully, I have stain remover.

::runs nekkid through thread::

Happy, Guin?:wink:

OK, so someone else said what I’ve been thinking. Lady, it’s an honor to share a board with you!


P.S., after the marriage contest is over, can I have second choice?