It sounds to me like you’re doing everything right.
You have chosen to take the hard and correct road rather than the fast, easy and wrong road.
I admire your resolve and effort, but don’t lose heart. I’m a fitness nut and I’ve helped a lot of people lose weight. If anything, you might expect to gain a pound or two for the first month or two on the regimen you are on.
Be advised that while you look in the mirror or on the scale you may be frustrated, but there are inded major changes goin on with you.
Your heart is getting stronger, blood vessels are expanding, cholesterol is going down, and your body is shifting things around underneath that layer of fat you want to get rid of it.
The new muscle you are adding will burn more calories, your workouts will intensify, also burning more calories.
The new you is growing under that flab like a butterfly in a coccoon.
Somewhere down the road, if you keep the faith, you will look in the mirror, and you will see the shadows of that new person. Slowly the fat will seem to sink into your body, and perhaps a year from now you will look back at pictures of yourself, and you won’t beleieve it’s possible that that was ever actually you.
The hardest part is where it seems like your failing. You’re not. You are making the fastest and the best progress you ever will. It just doesn’t show on the outside yet. Once your foundation is well laid it will.
I promise.
Feel free to email me or post if I can help.
You’re in the toughest spot. Congratulations. Getting there isn’t easy. It gets easier from here. I feel for you up there on the summit of despair and unrewarded effort. Don’t let your frustration interfere with the great things you’ve done. Don’t get down on yourself. Keep pushing. Keep doing the same thing you’re doing.
The hard road ain’t the easy one. You’re smart and wise to take it though.