I can’t vote for John McCain in this election. I don’t want to vote for Obama because I oppose his politics, and I can’t vote for McCain after watching a clip from the Republican National Convention earlier today. A bunch of assholes in novelty cowboy hats, waving around signs that said “THE ORIGINAL MAVERICK” while the stupid fucking theme song from “Top Gun” blasted in the background. This circus is beyond retarded, it’s completely obscene, disgusting and absurd. I cannot be a part of the American political process.
I’m writing in Tom Laughlin for president. Indiana is going to go for McCain anyway, so my vote isn’t going to make a difference. Fuck this. When my kids ask me who I voted for in this election, I’m going to have them watch Billy Jack and tell them, THAT’s who I voted for.
One of the things that I hate most about our current political system is that realistically there are only two parties who have a chance to win. I would love it if there were at least 4-5 parties that had a legit shot at it.
There are lots more parties than three and yes, it is better. There have been three major parties that have formed the Government in our history (Liberals when they still existed, Labour and Conservative) which gives us a whole third more variation that you’ve had. Furthermore, even if it’s unlikely for the foreseeable future for anyone other than Labour/Conservatives to lead the Government we still have MPs from other parties that form part of parliament and are able to influence policy, especially when the Government is trying to push legislation or issues that are not in the majority and this leads to greater diversity of public debate too (as there are multiple parties all issues don’t boil down to binary positions).
In the American system you may as well flip a coin on pretty much any issue, heads it’s Democrats who want X and tails it’s Republicans who want Y. That doesn’t seem much like a choice to me, nor a very useful way to conduct politics where there are often more than two sides to an argument.
I think instant runoff would help create new political parties pretty quickly. Honestly, it’s the single best change of procedure in our political system that I can think of.
Well, I’ve got to say, of course he’s not going try to “take people’s guns away.” I’ve never thought that any Democratic politician would ever actually attempt to literally take anyone’s guns away. That’s not what gun control is about. The anti-gun agenda is way way more complicated and more subtle than the idea of “gun confiscation,” which is a scary scenario but insanely unlikely to happen, and while they might wish it was possible deep down, they’d never actually advocate it.
The anti-gun movement works by very slowly eroding gun rights, and using weaselly underhanded measures filled with deceptive wording and preying upon peoples’ ignorance of the issues. Such as the Assault Weapons Ban. And the term “reasonable restrictions” or “common-sense restrictions” - i.e. a politician saying, “I support the right of hunters and sportsmen but I also believe in common sense restrictions.” Notice Obama said “I see a few sportsmen in the back.” It is very, very uncommon for any politician, Dem or Repub., to ever make a reference to self-defense when talking about guns. Usually they bring up hunting. Hunting is great and everything, but it’s not really the point of the Second Amendment. So talking about it is an attempt to lead people down the garden path.
If there was any doubt about whether or not I, as a gun advocate and member of the NRA, was going to support the Obama/Biden ticket, the deal was sealed when I read this:
Even putting aside the fact that the Virginia Tech incident did not involve any weapons that could even POSSIBLY be construed as “assault weapons,” this quote shows how anti-gun Biden is. He also said:
I’m not supporting any ticket that’s going to have this shmuck in the VP slot.
And that’s because of the awesome power the VP wields in our system of government?
Look at the Supreme Court. Look at the Heller decision. Do you think Obama would be able to pass and successfully keep a new Brady Bill even if he wanted to?
(BTW, didn’t the NRA get all pissy about the McCain-Feingold Act a little while ago? Did they forget that McCain is still this McCain?)
Y’know, your position wasn’t entirely clear the last 483 times you explained it. Maybe you could keep repeating it a few more thousand times. Thanks so much.