Darn cat!

Cat let me under the covers’paws sheet’ Me ‘No,you don’t like being under the cover’… Cat* PlzplzplzplzPLZ* Me’Ok! flips sheet over the cat’ Cat AaaK!! Why did you do that!? Ikikikik!! :eek:Cat eels out from under the sheet,hops into the chair and washes and washes until she gets all those ikky sheet cooties off…:dubious: Jumps back on the bed,paws sheetUnder?:smack:

Most mornings one furry cat beast or the other will walk up and down over me somewhere between waking and actually getting out of bed. The Blanket Monster will eat them and confusion and contortions whilst trying to escape will follow.

It’s been going on for years. The Blanket Monster always wins but they have never ever learned.

One one hand it proves they have the brain the size of a walnut and never learn, yet years ago an ex-girlfriend once gave them tuna and ever since they pester me at the can opener, even though I never ever give them biped food treats. So long term memories are there.

Conundrums and confusion, why we let them own us I guess.

Maybe the cat doesn’t want to be under the sheet, but just wants to see what’s under the sheet. Most cats I know will generally go where they want to be, they just need help opening doors and lifting stuff sometimes.

Whenever I ask the vet if there’s a shot or pill she can give our cat so it would act normal, she just looks at me and laughs.

We have had kittens who would chase and catch our feet, moving under the blanket. Our grown cats couldn’t care less.

It’s not that at all. It’s just that they’re waiting for that perfect moment, biding their time for when the stars align, when there will be no witnesses, and their stomachs, bladders and rectums are each holding their maximum capacities.

Oh yes, on that day the Blanket Monster’s depredations will be properly accounted for, have no doubt. Everything has been carefully contemplated and scripted to go off without a hitch. The part you will unexpectedly be cast as in this production: Lady Macbeth.

Dutch oven the cat. That should stop it.

You sound like B. Kliban.

Jezabel has a couple routines -

mrAru is the Dispenser of Nummy Kitty Treats. She gets 3 little hairball treats in the morning at 5 am, and 3 tartar control treats when he goes to bed at 11 pm. I have my aerogarden set to turn on at 5 am, my phone alarm goes off and his phone alarm goes off at 5 am every day. She will calmly walk onto his pillow a one or two minutes before 5 every day, settle there and patiently wait for her treats. When mrAru comes in to bed at night, she sort of dances in orbit around him until he picks her up, turns her upside down and bounces her a little and drops her on the bed, then he gives her the evening treats. Our roomie has learned to give her the morning and evening treats otherwise she will come into the bedroom and cry.

I find it amazing that a cat can have a sense of time - while I am frequently up well before the alarm, I can’t see anything that would trigger her actions.

Oooh yeah-- These 2 get their treats at 3pm… The black cat must be quiet until I say “Treat”… She is a round black shorthair with the thickest coat I’ve seen… She has a horrid yowll of a voice and she likes to talk:eek: but she sits in her box starting at 2:30 every day with her mouth clamped shut. As soon as I say Treat she starts to yammer…(there is no face to express the noise)

I don’t think the cat wanted under the sheet.
In the cat’s mind it was probably closer to," I just KNOW there is something under here that I need to hit with my paw repeatedly…" :rolleyes:

In the winter,she will tunnel under the blankets when I’m up and running around… Always a supprise for my aide when the cat rolls out of the blanket:)

What my cats want, I finally figured out, is for me to hold up the sheet, so there is a little tent for them to curl up under. When I let the sheet down, so it touches them, and covers their faces, that’s when they get upset. One cat I had once figured out how to sleep with her body under the covers, and her head out (yes, it was really cute), but they generally don’t get this. They want all that warmth under there with you, but they want to be able to breathe as well.