Darph, you ignorant slut

I hereby retract all aspects of my posts in the GD thread in which I indicated that there was any hope of Darph turning out to be in any way reasonable, intelligent, etc.

We’d do well to remember Jodi’s point that this fucker is not an accurate representative of Christianity at large, but let that in no way redeem the bullshit (heh!) that Darph is spouting. I do like the little parting shots at the end of his posts, though.



As a Christian, I can say that Darph makes me want to convert to anything else.

Merciful Heavens. Can that much dumb be concentrated in one head.

I’d say it’s a miracle, but it would have to be kind of a reverse miracle. Not even an evil miracle; it’s to dumb to be really satanic. The opposite of miracle is commonplace, and this is certainly not commonplace. The brain reels, trying to describe something so dumb. Negative miracle? Like the square root of minus one. Imaginary miracle?

The mind boggles.

Yay, it’s the invisible real-world supporters! Not seen you guys in ages! Take a bow, you fickle allegiance-switching dubiously-befriended weirdos, you.

Vote Libertarian!

Allow me to add my voice to the pitting of Darph. I see very little in his posts beyond belligerent trol… never mind, I won’t say it.

What I don’t get is, why are fuckwits like that tolerated in GD to begin with? I am certainly not trying to tell the moderators what to do - in fact I really enjoy their style in general, and their pithy comments on the occasions they post - but it seems to me that when someone brings “God says so” to a debate and laces it with really stupid drivel, it does little to further the debate and just pisses people off. Not to mention the fact that the original point of the debate got lost because of it.

There can be great religious debates, and there have been, but they generally involve individuals with intellect and the ability to see beyond the tip of their own noses. Let’s have more of those and less Darph.

And as for that incredibly crass comment on Hinduism: you ignorant fuck, that was unfair and uncalled for, remarkably crude and very, very un-Christian. And Roman Catholics being pagans? What root did your religion grow out of, dipshit?

First, Hindus don’t worship cows.

Second, buy a fucking clue, bitch. Hinduism is so much older than Judaism that it’s not even funny. Hinduism is the Yoda of religions. When 3,000 years old you be, be as stupid you will not.

The Pharoah Annank-whoopdedo declares that the miscreant Darph shall make obeisance and penance before the jackal-god Anewbies.

So let it be written. So let it be done.

I also proved from an Evolutionist stand point that i could on good grounds vote against gay marriage, HEHEH :-).

'cos them there gays can’t have kids, so it’s bad for the species, right?

I’m sure you’ll be right there at the front of the line telling an infertile man and wife that they shouldn’t be married.

You know, from an evolutionist standpoint.

Keep goin’, Darph! Soon you’ll have all the fence-sitters in this debate running over to our side, just to distance themselves from the likes of you!

You’re like the poster child for straight supremacism.

People like Darph are the result of the lamentable allowance of religious proselytizing in the GD. They cover their bullshit with whines about being “poor oppressed Christians” (I’d love to be as oppressed as Christians in this fucking country). I wish we only allowed scholarly, intellectual discussions of religious topics, and ban religious interjections into civilized discussions.

No way to do that, though. Everyone’s standards would be different.

Me too.

You did no such thing.


No matter how stupid and confrontational your opponent is, saying that “his side” did exactly the same thing he is accusing “your side” of is still a tu quoque argument.

LC: OMG! Darph rush!

Darph: kekeke :slight_smile: lol

;j According to Judaism, the world began 5764 years ago. Judaism as a religion began in the Jewish year of 2448, with the revelation at Mount Sinai. That was 3316 years ago, or 1312 BCE. Sorry for the slight hijack.

Though I’ve never had the “pleasure” of bumping into Darph, I guess I’m glad. Must be comfy in his warm little fuzzy place he calls reality. In my opinion, the most IGNORANT thing you can do is dis someone else’s religion.

Another slight hijack coming up… Last Sunday, some Mormons came to my door. They were very polite but being that they are so recognizable, I stopped them right away and said, “You guys have come to the wrong place, it’s not gonna happen here, but good luck.” They (again very politely) asked me what religion I am (Jewish), and went on to question my faith in “the truth”, to which I replied “Torah”.

I didn’t slam the door in their faces. I carried on a nice and short-ish convo with them. They asked me what I thought of Jesus. I replied that I believe he lived and probably did some nice stuff, but that’s it. Moschiach is coming, and that wasn’t him.

They asked me, “So you believe that Judaism is the ONLY way to get to heaven?” To which I replied, “Actually, Judaism is the only religion I know of that doesn’t claim that ‘membership’ gets you the bonus.” I explained that according to Judaism, a gentile (non-Jew) can get to heaven if s/he follows the 7 laws of Noach. They seemed quite puzzled.

I listed the laws: Do not murder. Do not steal. Do not worship false gods. Do not be sexually immoral. Do not eat the limb of an animal before it is killed (gotta be pretty desperate to pull that one off). Do not curse G-d. Set up courts and bring offenders to justice.

We closed it up with a short convo about where they were from. One was from Germany, one was from Texas. I wished them a good day and they were off. And SOMEWHERE in my heart, I have to believe that even though they are (obviously) very observant of their religion, there was a little bit of respect gained for “a nice Jewish girl” who was quite polite.

And THAT is what makes the world go 'round, my friends.

First off, this is the Pit, where ad hominem is the name of the game.

Second, Darph wasn’t arguing. He/she/it was making slurs about Hinduism, calling it a religion that forces people into marriage. The implication being that Christianity is superior because it supposedly does not force people into marriage. Pointing out that arranged marriages have historically been a part of Christian practice (and therefore is not historically an exclusively Hindu practice) demonstrates the fucktard’s ignorance.

I submit that “HEHEH :-)” is in no way a valid debating tactic.

Furtermore, the following statement from Darph is more than a little hypocritical:

Darph, you’re a fucking moron. Leave, and don’t ever, ever come back again.