Dave Stewart, please pick up the white courtesy phone

Hey Dave:

Sorry you didn’t get the Blue Jays GM gig. But you know what? It’s a thankless job, and when the Jays are underachieving next year, and are 10 games behind the Yankees at the All Star break, you’ll be saying “I told you so.”

Anyway, good luck in Milwaukee. You’ll get your chance someday, bud.


PS: Are there any other high-profile, ex-major leaguers on the SDMB? :smiley:

I thought it was the guy from the Eurythmics. My bad.

Thought I was MPSIMS. Apologies.

I assume a mod will move this.

Stewart’s departure was classless. The Blue Jays went with a very good choice in Ricciardi. Every move Stewart had suggested during his stay in Toronto, highlighted by the Williams-for-Hamilton trade, was a disaster, and he got into a fistfight with one of his players. Given the team’s appalling shortsightedness in handling its ample talent in recent years, bringing in an outsider to run things was obviously the proper move. His response to not getting the job is to accuse people of racism? Give me a frickin’ break.

I had just read a post from a SDMB Member called Dave Stewart in this very forum when I read your thread. So I thought you were shouting out to him.


[sub]Shhh! I was. I thought it would be funny to pretend that I thought Dave Stewart on the board was DS the ball player. See, that’s why I said that about “are there any other ex-major leaguers handing out on the SDMB.” Guess I’ve been hanging out with my 4-year-old too long.

Funny. I thought you yourself were an ex-major leaguer, and you used to play ball with Dave Stewart.

Whoever HE is.

Now, how in the world did I make my font so tiny?

This joke is failing on far too many levels!

While I would LOVE to see baseball make more of an effort to hire black coaches, managers and executives, I have never had much respect fr Dave Stewa, ad I’m not sorr to see him go.

Knowing that Dave Stewart used to help Steve Howe snort cocaine in the DUGOUT, DURING major league games, I’d love to see players try to keep a straight face while General Manager Dave Stewart read them the COmmissioner’s rules on drug use.

Anyway, if there are any good transvestite bars in Milwaukee, Stewart should do just fine there.

Dave’s still mad because that prostitute he picked in when he was with the dodgers and an ‘outie’ instead of an ‘innie’. “What? I ordred a taco, not a hot dog”

It’s ok to bitch that there are not enough minorities but I think you have to look at each individual case before doing anything drastic… Didn’t the Blue Jays hire a guy who worked for Billy Bean(e? I can’t keep track of whichone was which). Beane is regarded as the best GM in the game now. To hire his assistant is not out of line. The Tigers hired a guy to run their organization, Dave Dombrowski, who is widely considered one of the best in the game and had success where ever he’s been. Texas spent a ton of money and wanted a proven guy to run it. John Hart was available.

I am very glad to have Dave Stewart on board. He has to be able to help our pitching staff. He just haaaaaaaaas tooooooooo!

Let me please respond to this post. Dave Stewart was an EXCELLENT pitching coach in Toronto (Clemens got his career back on trach after Boston there and won a Cy Young working with him) and was definitely on a fast track to becoming a major-league manager. Then, he was brought into the front office to work as an asst. with Gord Ash, presumably this move was to groom him to take over after Ash retired or left - a shrewd move on the Blue Jays’ part.

When Ash was fired, IMO, the Jays had two choices. Either fire Stewart along with him and re-tool the entire front office, or give Stewart the job. If you never planned to hire Stewart as GM, then why move him to the front-office. And if you didn’t believe he was capable of being GM, why not fire him along with Ash, a common move in pro sports franchises.

Stewart has every right to be pissed about his treatment by the Blue Jays. Granted, the Jays have the right to hire and fire and pass-over anyone they wish, however, they don’t look good doing it. They completely mishandled the situation.

I found the joke funny. Of course, I have known Dave for many years on various web boards (the lawyer from Hong Knog, not the baseball player). I have been having trouble e-mailing him so I will use this forum to send a shout out to my friend.

(Ironically, I tried this morning before seeing this thread).

I haven’t seen him around much either. But I will say it’d be tough for him to GM from Hong Kong.


P.S. Hi Dave!