David B., how could you?

Re: the thread, Why did the old lady swallow the fly?

It most certainly did belong here in Great Debates. This is one of those age-old nagging questions, right up there with, How can you tell if a clam is happy?

Inertia was a fool to suggest moving it to MPSIMS.

To make matters worse, the thread is now closed, which means I can’t add any furthur replies or speculation.

A pox on you, David B. A pox, I say. :stuck_out_tongue:

The trouble with Sir Launcelot is by the time he comes riding up, you’ve already married King Arthur.

You know he can lance me anytime he wants :slight_smile:

Arthur is a sissy compared to Sir Lancelot! :cool:

agisofia wrote:

You have an ordained Scientology minister run an E-meter over him. It’s right here on page 34 of Dianetics.


The trouble with Sir Launcelot is by the time he comes riding up, you’ve already married King Arthur.

Not really. You’re taking your idea of Arthur from Camelot in which (for the purpose of dramatic presentation) we see Arthur’s life artifically compressed into a few years, focussing on the period in which he was a captive of his kingship.

Lance was a nice guy, Arthur was a man.


And besides, everyone knows that guys named Lance wear leisure suits, gold chains, bad rugs, & use lines like “I’ve lost my phone number; can you lend me yours?”

Sue from El Paso

Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted.

[Moderator Hat: ON]

Sorry, Ag, but a mod’s gotta do what a mod’s gotta do. And the thread isn’t closed HERE, just in MPSIMS (unless it was closed there as well for some reason).

Anyway, I hate to say it, but I’m moving this one there as well. I’m not tryin’ to be a jerk here, but, well, this just doesn’t belong here. Sorry.

David B, SDMB Great Debates Moderator

[Moderator Hat: Handed off to Eut.]