David Wenham would be an excellent Danny Kaye

There’s a movie out soon called The Life and Death of Peter Sellers, and for some reason the actor playing the title role is Australian Geoffrey Rush. In point of fact, in some shots I’ve seen the resemblance is quite remarkable, though vocally they aren’t even close.

I watched Van Helsing last night (it’s not as bad as I’d feared, though it’s not very good either) and Australian actor (amongst many other Australian actors) David Wenham, known locally as Diver Dan, plays his role rather amazingly a lot like Danny Kaye. On top of that, he resembles him physically too.

Doggone it, he’d be the perfect choice for a Danny Kaye biopic!

So what other current actors should play past celebrities in their biopics?

(Being Australian is not a prerequisite)

Just a thought, but maybe:

  1. The actor that played the title role in Van Wilder?

Can’t remember his name…but he has the physical comedy talent, the build, and the timing that could pull it off…
